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Y/n Maximoff

Tony and I fall asleep, opposite of eachother. Nebula brings our tired, near-lifeless selves to the front of the ship and sits us down in the front two seats.

I'm too weak to move at all and my head falls a little bit to the side. My eyelids feel like they have weights dragging them down and my, now boney, limbs feel frozen.

Nebula touches my shoulder before walking out. We sit there in total silence waiting to drift away completely.

I can see a vague light shine through my eyelids. I think we might be passing near a star.

But the light grows stronger.

Its bright and yellow.

I squeeze my eyelids shut and wince as I gather the strength to cover my eyes with my hand.

I tug my eyelids apart, blinking repeatedly to get rid of the stinging from the sleep that so desperately wants to consume me.

I squint, trying to see what the light source is until my eyes focus and what I see is not a star, but a woman.

•                •                •               •

I feel weak. Limp. I've hardly used my powers since we were on Titan.

The ship rattles lightly as it lands. I'm so confused that I can't even tell if that woman was real.

The ship lands and Nebula helps Tony up, walking him down the stairs and into the real world.

I can't wait any longer. I push myself up from my chair and use the ship walls to support my fragile body until I get to the door.

Steve runs to meet Tony and takes his arms in his, walking him off the last few steps.

"I couldn't stop him." Tony says immediately.

"Neither could I." Steve replies. "Where is she? Did she...?" He trails off before looking up at me as I hold onto the doorway.

I look tired and beat up. There are bruises on my cheekbone, cuts on my head that never healed properly because of the state my health is in. And of course,the wrap around my torso where I was stabbed.

"Oh, god." He sighs.

"Hang on, hang on." Tony breathes and stops Steve. "We lost the kid."

"Tony, we lost." He replies.

I slide down the side of the doorway and pass out on the floor.

Nebula runs up and kneels down next to me. Pepper hugs Tony and Steve jogs up the stairs to get me. He picks me up and carries me inside.

Steve carries me into the compound and lays me down on a gurney they had prepared.

They instantly rush me to the medbay where they give me an IV and pain killers. Bruce tends to my stab wounds and examines my bruises and cuts.

I become more and more conscious. Bruce goes over to my labs while Nat stands next to my hospital bed.

I haven't said anything. I don't know how.

"How are you holding up?" Natasha says to me softly and I shrug. I close my eyes and slowly turn to my side.

"I need a shower." I whispers. Natasha smiles.

"Well, I wasn't going to say anything..." She says sarcastically.

"You should be fine to go around the compound, just nothing too serious." Bruce says, looking between me and Nat. "You're malnourished and iron deficient. You're body isn't used to so much activity, so it's going to take some time before you gain back your strength." He explaines.

Avengers Endgame ft. Reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें