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No Perspective:

Tony rests his head in his hands, eyes closed as he processes the information Pepper just told him.

"I hate to say it, Tony." Pepper begins. He looks up at her. "Maybe she's right."

Tony sighs. "Don't." He mumbles.

"She has a point, Tony. Maybe this could actually protect her." She says. "What if someone finds her in Wakanda? If her powers are active there, can't people read that stuff through screen charts and statistics? Or track her? That could put even more people in danger. If she's asleep then nothing changes for them." Pepper stresses.

Tony stays quiet.

"You can't force someone to live. This way, she's not wasting her youth being depressed." Pepper says.

Tony looks away from her and slams his fist in the table. He shoots out of his chair and faces the wall.

Pepper stays silent, concerned. He finally looks at her, teary eyed.

"She's just a kid." He says near a whisper.

Pepper quickly gets up and pulls Tony into a hug. "I know." She whispers.

"It's best for her."

•               •                •                •

Y/n Maximoff

The day comes when I finally have to leave. I'm sad but I'm ready.

I walk downstairs with a small bag in my hand. The only way to get the team to agree to all of this is if I promised I would wake up once in a while to get updates and check-up. Just until I'm not being hunted anymore, then I'll come back.

The flight there is quiet. I sit in the front of the ship, watching out the large window while Carol and Rocket pilot. The team thought I didn't notice but I could see them taking glances at me. I choose to ignore it but I can feel their sadness.

Once we arrive in Wakanda, we were welcomed by Okoye. There is still so much damage to their land. I've never seen Wakanda- before or after Thanos.

The remaining Dora Milaje give us all a tour even though most of us have seen it before. Steve, Nat and I are about to separate from the group when Tony calls out.

"Y/n/n" He says.

I turn to look at him. He puts his arms out for a hug. I give him a sincere hug and he wraps his arms around me tightly.

"You can still change your mind, y'know?" He says. "We can hop back on the magic school bus and get the hell outta dodge."

"Tony." I say. He pulls away and I look at him. "I'll see you in a bit." I tell him.

He gives me a smile that doesn't show his teeth and the wrinkles around his eyes are very prominent.

Carol gives me a one armed hug. "It was great to meet you." She tells me.

"Likewise." I reply.

Rhodey is next. He hugs me tight. "I'm gonna miss you running around the place." He smiles lightly but I can see his eyes glaze over.

Nebula doesn't really show much emotion. I fist bump both her and Rocket.

We say our goodbyes and go our separate ways.

We get to the room with the freeze-machine. I don't know what they would even call it. It's scary-looking. With glass walls and tubes that stick out along the sides.

My breath hitches in my throat a bit and I can feel my heart speed up. There are two women standing nearby in white uniforms. They are setting everything up.

"You're still sure about this?" Natasha calls my attention. I nod.

"You can put these on." One of the women in white say. She has a thick accent and a welcoming, soft smile. She hands me a white, thick strapped tank top and black spandex shorts.

I change in another room and look at myself in the mirror before I leave. I admire my subtle curves and the healthy body fat that I've gained back. I take a few deep breaths before shaking off my nerves and heading back.

Steve and Nat hug me again. The woman helps me into the machine. "You're going to feel a lot of cold mist, and you'll want to close your eyes. That's good. Once you do, it should take under 30 seconds to fall asleep." She explains.

"Sounds painless." I reply.

I turn to look at Nat. "You'll come back to update me?" I ask.

"Every chance I get." She tells me.

"Okay." I breathe. "And Steve, you'll keep each other out of trouble?"

He chuckles. "As best I can." He tells me. I look at the woman again and nod.

"I'm ready." I tell her. She flips some switches and I become inclosed in the machine. The tubes hiss and I feel cold. I look at Nat and Steve. "We'll see you soon." She mouthes. I close my eyes and drift off.

•   •   •

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