(17)The Fall

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"Assemble" He says.

Thor roars and on command we run. We charge across the field. I throw the blasts in my hands down and it picks me up off the ground. I fly alongside Tony, Quill, Rhodes and many more.

I land as our team meets with Thanos'. I send a powerful blast forward and right away take out two guys. There is yelling coming from all directions, and the sound of weapons clanging occupies my ears.

I run forward into the crowd. I tear apart monster after monster. Every ounce of anger, sadness, and hatred leaves my body in the form of power.

I catch a glimpse of Tony being ambushed by aliens. I watch as one of the big ones pushes him down and tries to swing it's weapon.

I speed over, stop in front of him and create a force field around us.

"Go!" I shout to him. The monster growls and slams a fist down on the shield I've created. Tony hesitates, but flies away.

The monster hits my shield with his weapon. The force makes me fall back, but I throw a hand back to catch myself while keeping up the shield with the other.

Just as the monster is about to stab the shield again, his arm gets pulled back. Soon his whole body is yanked back. He falls on his back and Scott stomps on it, killing him.

I look over, dropping my shield. I see who pulled back the monster.


He jumps down and runs over to me. He grabs my arms and pulls me up. I feel shock. Not only is he really back but I'm touching him. It's like nothing changed.

"Hey, are you okay?" Peter asks me. "Y-you're bleeding." He says and runs his finger along the side of my head.

I feel like I can't even form words. I just nod.

"Listen, I'm so sorry I didn't find you sooner- Do you remember when we went to space? On that weird planet, I must've passed out or something because when I woke up, you weren't there and then Doctor Strange was all like 'It's been five years, they need us'. And- that must've been a mistake though because you don't look that different really- not that it's a bad thing, I just-"

I pull him into a hug. He hesitates before wrapping his arms around my back.

"I missed you, so much." I say quietly.

"I missed you, too... even though it's only been like 20 minutes-" He says.

I pull away, hold his face and kiss him. He holds onto me tighter. I pull my lips away from his and touch our foreheads together.

"Never leave again." I whisper.

"Never." He says back.

"As much as I am loving this, we don't really have the time." I say with a smile.

I pull back and look at him. "Ready to kick some ass?" I ask.

He grins. "Race you."

I speed off, taking out monsters along the way.

"Clint, any chance you made it out with the stones?" I ask over comms.

I stop running and use my magic to blast and tear up the monsters.

"I did. Starting to wish I hadn't. Cap, what do you want me to do with this damn thing?" He replies.

"Get those stones as far away as possible!" Cap shouts.

"No!" Banner interjects. "We need to get them back where they came from."

"No way to get 'em back Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel." Tony says.

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