(3)Day After

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⚠️TW: Depression

I wake up confused; Thinking I've woken up in another dream. I look around at my room, it takes a minute before I can remember how I got back here.

I roll over and the smell of my finally clean hair is flooding my nose. I see the nearly empty IV bag hanging next to my bed. I follow the tube down to my arm where Bruce had inserted the needle. I roll back over and grab one of my pillows, hugging it close to me.

How is this even real?

I look at the clock. 7:13am

I decide to stay in my bed, hugging my pillow for what feels like hours. I can't get out of bed.

Around 9am I hear small footsteps heading towards my room followed by a light knocking on my door.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Pepper says quietly. I look over at her. She holds a tray with a glass of orange juice and a plate with eggs and toast.

"I brought you something to eat. I know if you eat too much, compared to what your body's used to, you'll get sick. So, I figured we'd start you off with little bits." She smiles and sits on the edge of my bed next to me. "Work your way back to normal" Her voice is soft and welcoming. Like she's scared Ill shatter if she raises her voice too loud.

I don't answer, just nod.

"How are you feeling?" She asks and pushes hair behind my ear.

"Alive." I whisper back with a bit of a grumble.

"It's good to see you." She smiles again. I give her a weak smile back and sigh.

"Do you wanna sit up and eat something?" She asks me.

I shake my head. She gives me a sympathetic look and tilts her head at me. "Y/n/n, I know it's hard." She tells me. "But you have to start bringing your body back into the real world before it gets worse."

I reluctantly sit up and take a few bites. Pepper smiles and rubs my knee overtop of my blanket. "I'm so proud of you." She says.

"Thank you." I mumble .

"Come down to the office when you're done, okay? Steve is asking everyone to have a meeting." She tells me.

I nod and Pepper after a couple minutes Pepper leaves, closing the door behind her. When I finish eating there is still a bit of food left on my plate. I get up to leave it on my desk and put on a pair of black converse before I go down to see the team.

I walk past my mirror and catch a glimpse of myself. I look better. My eyes aren't as hollow as they were before, and I finally look clean. My hair is down, clean.

But I still feel terrible.

•                •                •                •

Bruce finds me and changes out my IV to pump me with some more fluids. Tony is in a wheelchair and has an IV in his arm too. We look like we're in a hospital. A couple of charity patients.

I take a seat in one of the office chairs and sit my feet on the chair so my knees are close to my chest.

"It's been 23 days since Thanos came to Earth." Rhodey says as holograms of our team members who died flash before us.

James Barnes
Stephen Strange
Erik Selvig
Sam Wilson
Sharon Carter

"World governments are in pieces." Natasha says.

Hope VanDyne
Maria Hill
Wanda Maximoff

My heart breaks even more.

"The parts that are still working are trying to take a census and it looks like he did..."

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