Chapter 18

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I still don't own the series because if I did I will end it at Shippuden.

"Orochimaru, what are you doing here?" Naruto asked quizzically as he saw the Snake Sannin. They are at the location of Jiraiya's grave stone. He saw he was drinking some sake.
"Oh Naruto-kun, didn't see you there. I'm just here talking to Jiraiya. Telling him how wrong I was in doing things that I did." Orochimaru poured another sake and drunk it once more. "I should've been a better friend, maybe I would've been a better person."
"You know, you shouldn't drink sake." Naruto said as he sat at the opposite direction of Orochimaru.
"You should say that to Tsunade." Orochimaru chuckled as he said that.
"No, I mean you shouldn't drink sake without someone to share with." Naruto said with a chuckle coming out of his mouth.
"Now you are sounding like Jiraiya." Orochimaru said as he took out a scroll.
"What's inside that?"
"Oh just a gift from Jiraiya before you were born. Read it well." With that Orochimaru stood up and walk towards the direction of his base that was outside the village.
"What could this be?" Naruto asked himself. Knowing Jiraiya it could be something perverted. To his surprised it is. The book read. "Icha-Icha: Yellow meets red". Naruto can't control his laughter at this.
"Hahaha Ero-senin really knows how to make me laugh." Naruto was seeing it now, Jiraiya was being chased by Kushina, while Minato is trying to stop her from killing him.

Sometime Later
Anko was inside the clan compound looking around and she saw a drawer she opened it and saw a purple tank top. It was a female tank top.
"This might be one of Naruto-kun's ex's tank top." She looks at it and a few words were witten on it. "Naruto-kun's Ino-chan" then a chibi of Naruto making a peace sign.
"This is quite a cute clothing. Maybe I should ask Naruto to make one like this."Anko said loudly as Naruto entered the room.
"Ask me to make what Anko-chan?" Naruto said as he entered the room.
"Something like this." Anko said as she show Naruto the tank top.
A moment of silence has happened. Naruto started remembering a lot of events. And said "Sure, why not?" Naruto saidwith a smile.

And cut.

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