Chapter 3

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Author's Note: I don't own Naruto

Naruto still don't know why she keeps it a secret. The only thing she said is that she is really beautiful. So who are the beautiful girls that he met. Well there is Shion, there is also Koyuki, even Shizuka. But who could it be. Maybe someone he know.
As they travel towards his house a lot of woman are looking at him some are younger and some even older than him. A lot of people started greeting him. Some of them are girls. They walked until.
"Hmp!' He bumped at someone.
"I'm sorry mi-" he was cut off when he the girl. She has beautiful blue hair, orange eyes and a lip piercing. She is wearing a black tanktop and dark blue pants. Only one woman came in mind. "Konan?"
"It is you!" Naruto said with a smile.
"Of course it's me, is their any other woman with the name Konan you know?" She said sarcastically.
"I don't know, I met a lot of woman while traveling with Ero-senin."
"Ero-senin?" Asked a confused Konan.
"Yeah, you know, Jiraiya, the 1st writer of Icha-Icha Paradise, our sensei." Naruto explained.
"He was the writer of that cursed book?" Konan said as a dark aura started to wrap around him.
"Yes he was ,before he was killed. Now the book has a different writer." Naruto tried to explain.
"And who is this another writer continuing his 'Legacy'?" She gave a smile but the aura seems to get wider.
"It's who?" The aura gets more intense.
"Tell me who it is." She ordered.
"Its m-m-"
"Tell me now."
"It's me."
"You're the writer of that cursed book. Why did you decide to continue writing it?" She said as she started to calm down.
"I'm his greatest legacy. So it is only destiny for me to continue his writings." Naruto said sadly.
"I will let you live, for now, just don't you dare be a pervert to me." Konan said as she smiled sweetly at him.
"Of course milady, I will be the greatest gentleman you shall see." Naruto said.
"I hope you will."
"Oh you already know Konan-san."
"Yes, is she the girl you are talking about?" Naruto asked the beautiful mother of his friend.
"No, I didn't even know you know her." Tsunami said with a cute little smile.
"Then who is it?" Naruto asked childishly. Fuu and Yugito giggled at his antics.
"No telling!" Tsunami said playfully.
"You are so mean." Naruto pouted.
"Naruto-kun you should just let wait till we got to her house." Yugito scolded him.
"I wish she would just tell me." Naruto said curiously.
"You're not good at waiting are you?" Konan asked the blonde man.
"Maybe we should just follow her." Fuu suggested to them.
"Then let's go!" Naruto yelled.
"No need to yell!" Konan scolded him.

At Tsunami's House.
The house Naruto saw was bigger than the last time he saw it. Now it is twice or thrice the size that he was used too.
"I'm home!" Tsunami yelled.
"So who is the girl your talking about?" Naruto asked as they moved inside the house. There he saw a female with raven hair, brown eyes and definitely a voluptuous female body and a c-cup busts.
"Hello Naru-kun!" The lady said to our hero with a smile.
Naruto looked confused at her. He can't remember any woman that looked like her since his childhood. So he asked one thing, "Do I know you?"
With this everyone in the room face faulted.
"You really can't remember me!" The girl exclaimed as a tick mark appeared on her forehead.
"No I can't seem to remember." Naruto looked more confused as frost started to appear at the girls side.
"It's me Haku!" The girl exclaimed with a huff.
"No, no, no, it can't be!" Naruto said trembling.
"Why can't it be?" Yugito asked.
"I'm seeing dead people AAAAaaahhh!!!" Naruto yelled as he tried to reach for a kunai. But he was stopped by Haku, who put Naruto's hand over her breast.
"Does that feel like I'm a ghost?" Haku asked the our blonde hero.
"Not really." Naruto muttered as he started palming and fondling with her breasts. The other girls seems to blush and Haku seemed to get flustered.
"Naruto-kun." Haku said trying not to moan. Naruto continued to fondle with her breasts.
"Naruto-kun." And again it was still unheard.
"Naruto-kun!" The girl moaned out as the Angel of Ame pulled Naruto into a kiss to cut him of from fondling with Haku's breast.
The kiss lasted almost half a minute. As They both pulled out.
"Hey no fair I want to kiss him too!" Tsunami exclaimed as she pulled Naruto in a kiss as well.
The door opened and there was a shock Inari. He saw everything and flew backwards with a nose bleed.

End Chapter.
I'm sorry for the late update. My other chapters for this has been corrupted so I had yo start from scratch.
By the way, for those who have guest it correctly. Please PM me and I will make a shout out for the first 10 to message me. Thank you very much.
I'll try to update faster next time.

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