Chapter 9

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I can finally say again that do not own Naruto.

With Kurenai
It was time for lunch and Mirai is a picky eater. She likes meat the most, just like the Sarutobi clan, especially Konohamaru.
"Mirai please just eat a little, maybe just this carrot." Kurenai pleaded her picky daughter.
"No!! I want mweat just like yesterday. Pwease!" Mirai said as she pushed the plate a little and used her puppy dog eyes.
Kurenai was not having any of this yet she can't handle the cuteness of her daughters puppy dog eyes.
Suddenly she heard a knock on the door.
"Who could that be, it should be lunch time?" She asked herself loudly as Mirai.
She went to answer the door. She opened it to see a tall man with blonde hair and his face has whisker marks. 'Wait whiskers?' "Naruto!"
"Hello Kurenai-chan, how are you, you look a little stress?" Naruto asked the Genjutsu Mistress of Konoha.
"I'm fine, it is just Mirai-chan does not want to eat her vegetables." Kurenai sighed looking at the blonde. "By the way what are you doing here?"
"Oh I just want to see Mirai-chan before going to my apartment complex. Kakashi-sensei seems to think that I always eat at Ichiraku, which is somewhat true, but I want to visit you first. So I sent the girls to my house before going here." Naruto said to Kurenai as he was given a gesture by Kurenai to enter the house.
"Mirai-chan I have a surprise for you!" Kurenai said to her daughter.
"I dwon't waunt it!" She is having her tantrums once again.
"Oh that's too bad maybe I should visit some other time Kurenai-chan?" Naruto asked playfully as Mirai saw him. She went down of her chair and became a cute missile that tackled Naruto.
"Tou-chan!!!" Mirai yelled hugging the whiskered blonde.
"Hi Mirai-chan, how are you, are you eating your vegetables?" He asked playfully.
"Uhmm! No tou-chan, please don't make me eat them!" She pleaded with her cutest puppy dog eyes. Which almost affected Naruto, keyword almost.
"Really? So you don't want to eat friendship food?" Naruto asked the cute girl.
"Fwendship food?" Mirai asled looking at Naruto.
"Yup! It is food shared by friends like carrots." Naruto said trying to convince the little girl.
"Bwut you're my tou-chan?" She asked as Naruto face fault to the ground.
" You got me there. But let's eat carrots you can seat on my lap." Naruto said as the cute girl nodded.
A few moments later Kurenai was shocked to say the least. She saw her daughter not only eat her vegetable but finish her whole plate.
"That wasn't so hard now is it Mirai-chan?" Naruto asked the girl.
"It was delicious tou-chan" Mirai stated as Kurenai just looked at them with a shocked look on her face.
"How?" Kurenai asked the strongest shinobi in history.
"Well you just need to know what to say to a kid." Naruto said as he remembered what old man Teuchi keep saying to him that their ramen is the best ramen there is. Which is true.
"Kaa-chan there is someone knocking on the door." Mirai said as she heard a knocking sound on the door.
"Who could that be, are you expecting anyone Kurenai-chan?" Naruto ask the Genjutsu Mistress who shook her head no.
Naruto then used his enhance sensory ability to sense who it is. It was the lazy genius Shikamaru, the big-boned Chouji and one of his exes. He wanted to leave but Mirai sat on his lap.
Kurenai then opened the door to see who it is and Naruto's guess was right.
"Good afternoon Kurenai-sensei!" They all said simultaneously.
"Oh what are you three doing here?" Kurenai asked the students of her late husband.
"We just came back from a mission and brought something thing for Mirai that was given to Shikamaru as a love token." Chouji said as they laughed a little, except Shikamaru who mumbled something about troublesome.
Chouji then unseal a teddy bear as big as he is.
"Well come on in, Mirai is just eating at the dining room." Kurenai said as the Ino-Shika-Cho trio entered.
As they entered they heard the sound of giggling from Mirai. They went to the dining room and saw Naruto with Mirai on his lap. Naruto was tickling the cute girl.
"Hi guys what's up?" Naruto said as he looked up to the three and saw a giant teddy bear.

Hello I'm back sorry for the late update. I just have no internet the past few days. Please follow Turner1416 he has great stories.

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