Chapter 20

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Hokage Tower

The door opened as two female entered the office of Kakashi. One with blonde hair and another with dark hair. Both are wearing elegant outfits that Naruto remembers that he saw from the past.
The blonde woman walk towards Naruto and said. "Do you remember me?"
"Shion? Wow you've grown a lot!" Naruto said in awe at how Shion grew in the past few years.
"Of course, I am now a mature woman." Shion said as she proudly showed how her breasts has grown.
"I'll say that again. Hehehe!" Naruto said as blood trickled down his nose.
"So Naruto, do you have a girlfriend?" The woman behind Shion said. She has dark hair. It was Koyuki.
Naruto was about to answer but before he did, Kakashi beat him to it.
"Which one?"
"What does he mean 'which one'?" Koyuki asked the Sage.
"Well, you see. It all started a few months ago..." Naruto started

With Mirai
Mirai was playing at the compound. She was looking around the rooms. She then saw a picture of two person. One was blonde and looks a lot like her tou-chan, without his whiskers, and the other one has red hair and beautiful violet eyes.
"Mirai, what are you doing?" Yugao entered the room to see Mirai holding a picture frame.
"Look, Yugao-oba-chan, tou-chan is with a woman with red hair." Mirai showed the photo to Yugao.
"Am I hearing this correctly, Naruto-kun is with a redhead?" A voice said from the door it was Konan.
"Yeah oba-chan look."
"That's not Naruto Mirai-chan." Yugao said as Mirai had a look of confusion.
"That's his tou-chan Minato-sama, the Yondaime Hokage." Yugao explained to the cute kid.

Back with Naruto.
Kakashi was having a blast, his favorite student is being interrogated by two beautiful ladies. And he has front row seats in it.
Everything was good for Kakashi until, Shizune entered again.
"Kakashi-kun you are needed there has been a spike of chakra 10 miles North. Team Ino-Shika-Cho and Sasuke are on the move. The sensors says it has appeared and disappeared in an instant."
"Naruto, Follow them now!"
"No need to ask me twice." Naruto said as he vanished in a yellow flash.

Yup here it is a new update. It is quite short. I am currently in quarantine so I have some time yet I have writer's block.

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