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Today was going slow. Mya wasn't at school today. Gina tried texting her but she never answered, she never even opened it.

It was last period and Gina was staring at the clock waiting for the bell to ring. She decided a while ago that she was going to go to her house and check up on her to see if she was okay.

As soon as the bell rang she grabbed her books and backpack and rushed through the crowd of people in the hall. Opening her locker she grabbed her skateboard and locked it again heading out side and skating off to Mya's house.

Once Gina arrived to her house she knocked on the door to be greeted by Valerie. "Hey Gina, Mya's up in her room." She told her moving out of the way and letting Gina come in.

With a quick 'thank you' Gina made her way upstairs to see Mya on her bed napping. She laughed quietly to herself and walked over to the bed. She dropped her book bag on the ground and got on the bed spooning her.

Mya stirred awake and smiled slightly "Hey, Babe." She whispered not turning around. "Hey, you okay? Why weren't you in school? I missed you." Gina whispered back.

Mya chuckled quietly and turned around snuggling into Ginas chest. "I started my period today. I have agonizing period cramps and it hurts so much I can barley walk." Mya's voice was so quiet it was barley a whisper.

"Shit, that sucks." Gina said hugging her close. Gina brought her hand down to massage the bottom of her stomach where period cramps usually form.

Mya sighed with a slight smile and leaned into her chest again. "I'll nap with you, if you want?" Gina offered.

"I'd like that very much." Mya mumbled and wrapped her arms around her girlfriends chest drifting off back to sleep while Gina massaged her lower stomach. Soon enough Gina feel asleep too and didn't wake up for quite some time.


Gina walked into work laying her things in Joes office and walking back out into the main area. "Hey Kiddo.." Joe greeted kissing her on the head and handing her some plates "These go to table four."

Gina nodded with a smile and headed over to table four laying the plates down and smiling at the customers "Here you are, and enjoy your meal."

Gina walked back to the counter and looked at some of the papers that were hung up by the cooking station. She crossed off some of the drinks off of the papers and went to go pour them up and serve them.

Being back in the restaurant made her mind refreshed, made her feel refreshed. This is her safe placed and as she swayed through the tables and marked off orders she felt free.

Gina walked up to Joe "Hey Dad, can I ask you a question?"

"That was a question." He said with a smile. Gina shook her head and rolled her eyes playfully. "Go on." He said gesturing for her to continue. "So I was wondering if you could write recommendation letters to some of the culinary schools I am planning on applying to soon?" She asked with a desperate smile.

Joe chuckled "are you kidding? I already have them done, I was just waiting for you to tell me when you were applying for some."

Ginas eyes sparkled and she hugged him "Thank you, thank you, thank you." She said and looked up to him with a smile.

"No problem, just tell me when your applying and I'll give them to you." He told her letting go of her. Gina nodded her head with a grateful smile and then she walked away going back to take some orders.

She looked over to a table to see Max and Ginny sitting in chairs with blank expressions. Max's hair was everywhere like she just got out of bed and Ginny was sat with her usual bitch face.

Gina walked over with a smile "Are you guys ready to order?" She asked. "Yeah I would li-"

"No, we're fine, we don't want you to take our order anyway so just go back to doing your job." Ginny ordered her cutting Max off.

"Okay..sorry.." Gina mumbled and walked off back behind the counter. She ran her tongue along her teeth and took a deep breath. Ginny really gets to her.

She was about to go to another table until she saw Abby get up and slap Ginny in the face. Joe turned around with wide eyes and shook his head going back to his work.

"About time someone did it again..." Gina mumbled going to another table. Seeing that just made her day ten times better.


"So she slipped her, right in the face." Mya's voice rang through Ginas phone. "Yes, it was so satisfying." Gina said with a satisfied smile.

"So, besides for the slapping how did work go?" Mya asked her. Gina sighed "it was fine, I just mainly took orders and delivered food. You know the usual."

"I can't believe Joes your dad now, how does that feel." Mya asked her. Gina chuckled "it feels great actually. Having a Dad is what I always wanted and now I have one."

"So, how does it work, do you still live at Georgia's or do you live at Joes now?" She asked curiously.

"It's not really planned out, usually I just stay at Joes, it's where I am now actually. I have my own room and there's a lot less shit happening over here. It's relaxing."

"Well I'm glad your happy baby." Mya told her. Gina sighed happily "Yeah I am."

There was a moment of silence before Gina spoke up "so how are you feeling now? Cramps gotten any better?"

Mya groaned a little "No, they are still painful as hell but I just took some pain killers so I'll think I'll be alright once they kick in."

"Glad to hear it."

"You should get to sleep my love.." Mya said into the phone. As if in que Gina yawned "Yeah, I will, I love you."

"I love you too." Mya said before she hung up. Gina smiled and drifted off knock a peaceful sleep at this quite house.

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