Chapter two: The Tavern Song

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"Hey (Y/N), why don't you handle the trade. I'm just going to head to the nearest tavern, and you can meet me there to give me my share."

Geralt says to me quietly, untying the buck from his saddle and handing me the rope back.

"Sure, just a fair warning though, if you see a brown haired bard singing there, just ignore him okay?"

Geralt gave me a look of curiosity at my statement and I smiled at him kindly.

"He's my brother, and he likes to pick on newcomers to the bar. He's a bit of a handful, but if you ignore him he'll most likely leave you be."


Was all I got as a response before he walked off to the tavern, placing his horse into the stable next door as I began dragging the buck to the fur traders stall.

"Ah (Y/N) my dear girl, how are you?"

The fur trader Atticus greets me with a warm smile and I return one to him as I finish dragging the buck over.

"I'm good, I brought you a big one today. How much is this guy worth?"

Atticus looks over the buck and examines how much he could pay me.

"This is a real prize one, a clean shot through the eye as well. How about 400 marks?"

I smile and nod my head, shaking his hand to confirm the deal and he goes behind his stall, grabbing the money.

"Oh, could you split it down the middle? I'm giving the other half to someone."

Atticus raises his eyebrow at me but does as asked, handing me two coin purses.

"Here you are my dear, 400 marks for the buck. Tell that no good brother of yours to leave my daughter alone as well, he's been flirting with her again."

The fur trader says to me with a soft smile and I chuckle lightly, shaking my head softly.

"Will do Atticus. Is he still at the tavern?"

I ask, strapping the coin purses to my side with a chuckle.

"Where else would he be?"

Atticus says as he turns back to his stall and I walk down the main road, heading to the tavern so I could give Geralt the money I owed him, opening the door as I hear my brother's lute playing in the back ground as I walk over to the bar keep.

"Hey (Y/N). He's at it again, but watch yourself, some big scary guy came in and is at your table."

The bartender greets me and I look to the back table I normally sit at when I return from my hunts to see Geralt sitting there, drinking a mug of mead quietly.

"Thanks, but I know him, I'll be fine Agatha."

Grabbing a mug for myself I head over to Geralt, avoiding my brother Jaskier's eyes so he wouldn't see me.


I say to Geralt as I take a seat at the table, grabbing one of the coin purses from my side and handing it to him.

"200 marks. Thanks for the help, and for talking to me."

I say, picking up my mug and taking a sip, Geralt giving me a soft nod.

"No problem."

Looking around I see my brother strum his lute and I groan.

"Here he goes."

I mumble, Geralt raising his eyebrow until he hears my brother strum a chord, beginning to sing.

"You think you're safe, without a care. But here in Posada, you'd be wise to beware."

Jaskier starts and some people turn to listen while I put my head in my hands in embarrassment, knowing exactly what song he is singing.

"The pike with the spike, that lurks in your drawers. Or the flying drake that fills you with horror. Need old Nan the hag, to brew you a potion, so that your lady may get an a-"

Before Jaskier can finish his line someone tells him to fuck off, throwing something at him and others join in.

"Oi, fuck off! So glad I could bring you together like this."

Jaskeir says, setting down his lute and I sigh, feeling his eyes turn towards me and Geralt and I tense.

"He's spotted you."

Geralt says as Jaskeir walks over to the table, a small smile on his lips.

"And what did my baby sister's new friend think of my performance hmm? I gotta say I love how you just sit in the corner and brood."

Jaskier says as Geralt gives him a bored look and I roll my eyes, taking another sip of my drink.

"I'm here to drink alone. Your sister was only giving me my due for helping her deliver a buck to market."

Jaskeir rolls his eyes, grabbing a chair and sitting down next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and I sigh, knowing he's about to annoy Geralt.

"Oh come on, you must have something you can give me about my performance hmm? Three words or less."

Geralt looked at him deadpanned and I snicker at his look, hiding my smile behind my hand.

"They don't exist."

Geralt says in a low voice, a bored expression on his face as he finishes his mead.

"What do you mean?"

My brother asks and I nudge his side, warning him not to push too far.

"He means dearest brother, that the monsters you sing of don't exist. Maybe you should come join me on some of my hunts, then you'll see real monsters you can sing about, hmm?"

I say with a bit of sarcasm, taking a big gulp of my drink as I notice Geralt's eyes on me.

"I thought you only hunted deer?"

Geralt asks and I give him a small smile, setting down my cup as my brother laughs.

"Oh no, deer is just a small game for my dear sister. She hunts monsters as well. She's got quite the reputation outside Posada. Though she's not a witcher, she gets the job done."

Geralt looks between me and Jaskeir, trying to decide if what we said was true, deciding it was with a soft nod of acknowledgement.

"So what is it you do then mister? Wait let me guess, white hair, gold eyes, you must be Geralt of Rivia, the witcher."

Geralt gets up from the table, grabbing his swords and I glare at my brother as Geralt walks away, Jaskeir getting up and following after him, leaning against one of the pillars.

"Called it!"

Jaskier says and I notice one of the townsfolk go after Geralt, no doubt to give him a job and I get up, paying my tab and grabbing Jaskiers arm to get his attention.

"Jaskeir, I insist that you be quiet for a while. Your inspiration for your next ballad just walked out the door."

I pat his head before grabbing my bag and leaving, heading to the blacksmiths to grab a new sword with the money I just earned.

Another chapter up lovelies! Hope you like it, I absolutely adore who they picked to play Jaskier, he's such a cutie. He's got a band if you didn't know and his music is phenomenal. His band is called "The Amazing Devil" and I think my favorite song I've listened to has to be "The Unwanted Animal". Give them a listen, it's amazing! I will definitely be referencing their songs in the story so I really hope you give them a listen.. Until the next chapter lovelies!

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