Chapter eleven: The fallen Witcher

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"Six years ago stable hands started vanishing at the castle above the city. Before long citizens were disappearing throughout all of Temeria. Foltest's royal guards soon realized the creature was coming from the crypt where the king's sister Adda is buried."

Triss explains as she leads us through her work room and I look around it in slight awe. Triss spares a glance at me with a smile before continuing.

"Rumor has it she was having an affair with a young man in the town before she died."

Triss says as I lean down to touch a bottle with glowing gold liquid swirling around in it before quickly pulling my hand back as the glass was hot to the touch and Triss smiles at my curiosity, taking my hand gently as Geralt watches her lead me around the table so I wouldn't get distracted again.

"Was she pregnant?"

Geralt asks Triss who frowns at the question, letting go of my hand as I refocus on her.

"If she were, that would make her child the sole heir to the throne as Foltest never married. The king fled the castle ignoring the rising death toll. After Nilfgaard overthrew their king the brotherhood couldn't risk that happening again, so they sent me here three months ago to cure the creature."

Triss finishes and I look at her with confusion.

"Vukodlaks are freak mutations, they can't be cured."

I say, crossing my arms across my chest in thought.

"Well it's a good thing it's not a vukodlak."

Triss says with a smirk before leading me and Geralt further into the tower, down a long corridor and I sense bodies in the room she's leading us too and I frown.

"Two thousand orens if you can tell me what killed these people."

Triss says as we enter a room with bodies covered and buried in salt and Geralt looks around, spotting something and walking over to the body of a dark haired man and ripping off a medallion on his neck with a scowl.

"You didn't want the people to know it bested a witcher."

Geralt says and I look at Triss with a frown.

"You let them believe he left with their coin."

I mutter and Triss looks down in shame as Geralt digs through the salt, reaching inside the body of the other witcher and I stifle a gag.

"You clearly weren't acquainted"

Triss says, placing a hand on my back in comfort and Geralt frowns.

"He's missing his heart and his liver. There's only one creature I know that's that picky of an eater. A striga."

Geralt says turning around to face me and Triss and I frown, trying to remember the legend about strigas but coming up with nothing.

"Strigas are just old wives tales"

Triss says, glancing at me as I'm lost in thought again, Geralt shaking his head.

"They're very rare. The only way to make one is through a curse."

Geralt says looking back at the dead witcher and realization hits me and my eyes slightly widen.

"Someone wanted princess Adda dead."

I say and Geralt hums in agreement.

"But the curse didn't stop with Adda, it turned her daughter into a monster."

I furrow my brows in confusion, Triss doing the same before speaking.

"Her daughter?"

Triss asks and Geralt nods once again, coming over to us.

"Strigas are female. This striga is a princess."

Geralt mutters and I frown, something didn't sit right with me about this, but I needed more information. Triss notices my frown and tells Geralt to head up the stairs, Geralt hesitating for a moment before leaving the room and Triss takes my hand, pulling me out of my thoughts and I look at her.

"Tell me, what's going on in that beautiful head?"

Triss asks and I smile, rolling my eyes at her complement and she smiles as well.

"It's just something isn't sitting right with me about this. I mean who would want to curse the princess if all she was doing was having a fling with a commoner. It doesn't make sense."

I say with confusion lacing my voice and Triss frowns, thinking my words over.

"You're right. Something isn't right here. But-"

Triss pauses and takes my arm in hers, leading me out of the room with a smile.

"That's why you and Geralt are here. You'll figure this out, I know it. I've seen you face monsters like this before."

Triss says and I chuckle, remembering the werewolf she helped me kill and we walk up the stairs, Geralt waiting for us in her potions room.

"Let me go get an audience with the king, then we can tell him what you found out."

Triss says, letting go of my arm and leaving the room and I feel Geralt's eyes on me and I turn to face him.

"Yes Geralt?"

I say, leaning against the table in the room and he sighs heavily, crossing his arms over his chest.

"How do you know the sorceress?"

Geralt asks and I smile, thinking of the first time I met Triss.

"She helped heal me after my ex attacked me. Took care of me for a month, and helped me kill a werewolf pack a couple months later. She's a good friend, someone you can trust."

I tell him and he nods, noticing the slight flinch I made when I mentioned my ex.

"He really hurt you, didn't he?"

Geralt asks me in a soft voice and my smile fades, my eyes going dark as I stare at the floor.

"He means nothing to me now, Geralt, but there are still scars in my chest that need to heal. Scars he made."

I mutter and Geralt walks toward me, placing his hand under my chin and tilting my head so I was looking into his eyes, my heart fluttering in my chest.

"I won't let anyone else hurt you (Y/N). Okay?"

Geralt says quietly, cupping my cheek with his hand and I smile, placing my hand on his as I lean into his touch.

"Thank you for caring."

I say softly as I notice Geralt's eyes flicker down to my lips for a moment, slightly leaning towards me and my heart melts a bit as I lean forward when the door opens and Triss walks in, Geralt dropping his arm back to his side and taking a step back from me. Triss looks between the two of us as my cheeks start to heat up and she smirks.

"Did I interrupt something?"

Triss asks and Geralt shakes his head and I do the same, Triss internally sighing at us.

"Alright then, the king has agreed to meet with you both. Let's go."

Triss explains and Geralt leaves the room first and I place my hand on my heart in an attempt to stop it beating so loudly, my anxiety spiking at the thought of meeting the king.

"You'll be fine dear. Come on, let's go."

Triss says as she takes my arm, leading me out of the room and through the castle halls, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. What did Geralt just try to do?

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