Chapter sixteen: Reunited with the bard

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I don't own the image I used but I found it on pintrest and based my description of the gown on it! Hope you enjoy lovelies!

"It opened its jaws, and swallowed that witcher whole."

The townsman says and I roll my eyes at his story as others gasp, Jaskier smiling and writing everything the man says down in his journal.

"This is fantastic."

Jaskier says and people give him a look as he looks up.

"Sorry, Geralt and my sister can be so stingy with the details."

Jaskier says, shooting me a look and I roll my eyes at him.

"Then what happened sir?"

I ask him to continue, and he gives me a sad look.

"Then he died."

The man says and people gasp and I shake my head, Jaskier shrugging his shoulders.

"Eh. He's fine."

Jaskier says and the man glares at him, about to open his mouth when the inn door slams open and Geralt walks in covered in selkimore guts and I wince slightly at the smell, people taking steps back from him.

"What's that stench?"

The townsman asks and Geralt shoots him a look.

"Selkimore guts, had to take it down from the inside, I'll take what I'm owed."

Geralt says gruffly and Jaskier gets them singing the toss a coin song and I wince at them as Geralt walks over to the bar, grabbing a mug and sipping from it before spitting it out and Jaskier walks over to him, pulling me with him and I roll my eyes at how attached he was to me. Course it had been months since he last saw me but come on.

"You're welcome by the way. And now witcher it's time to repay your debt. What debt you might be asking yourself right now. I've made you famous, witcher."

Jaskier says, taking a sip of ale and I give him a look.

"By rights I should be taking ten percent of all your coin but all I'm asking for is a teeny, teeny weeny little favor"

Jaskier finishes and Geralt growls, shooting me a look to stop him and I raise my hands in the air in surrender.

"Hey, don't look at me, he's asked me the same thing he's about to ask you and I said only if you went. I'll go get you a bath started so you can clean up."

I say quietly and head up the stairs, talking to one of the innkeepers helpers and she smiles, saying she'll get two started, one for him and one for me and I give her a few coins in thanks, heading to my room with a sigh. I knew Jaskier was a player but now he had really done it, needing me and Geralt to guard him at this engagement ball from unsavory lords.

"He's such an idiot."

I mumble to myself as I hear my door open and I reach for my sword at my side and relax when it's Jaskier opening the door and coming in, holding something behind his back and I raise my eyebrow at him.

"He said yes, so I already picked out your outfit for the party!"

He says excitedly and I sigh, running a hand along my face in annoyance.

"Can't my normal attire do?"

I ask him and he scoffs, disgust lacing his voice and I give him a look of warning.

"This is a royal affair dear sister, you must look your best! Besides you're mostly going to meet some new people, maybe find a lover for the night eh?"

He says with a smirk, pulling out a beautiful blue gown with cut off sleeves, silver embroidery along the neckline and I look at him with a frown.

"I'm still healing Jaskier, you know how bad that dolt hurt me. Besides, I'm not one to take lovers if I don't feel for them, I am still a virgin."

I mutter and he rolls his eyes at me and holds the dress against my chest with a smile.

"Oh well, I'll still have you look like the most beautiful woman there aside for the princess. Now the nice girl told me your bath was ready so I put the rest of your outfit there so you could change for tonight when you were done. Now get going."

Jasker says handing me the dress and pushing me out of the room and to the bath house. Geralt heads into another room with Jaskier and the girl from before helps me into the bath after I take off my clothes and she looks over my scars.

"It is true then, you're as talented a fighter as your witcher miss."

She says as she starts undoing my braid and I sigh, sinking slightly into the warm water with a blush.

"He's not mine hun. He's just my good friend."

I mutter, rubbing my arms with the silky water as she hums, pouring some lavender oil into the water before pouring some water on top of my head, wetting my hair as she runs her fingers through it to clean my scalp and I lean into the touch.

"When's the last time you've done this miss?"

She asks me as she notices me leaning into her touch and I think for a moment and sigh.

"When I was injured by someone dear to me. A friend had to help me bathe for a month."

I tell her and she glances down at the scar on my stomach as she sees me run my hand along it.

"Well, if that's the case I'll make sure to have you looking so fresh and lovely that witcher would think you a goddess when I'm done."

She says with a smile and I return it with one of my own as she starts combing out my wet hair, delicately getting the tangles out of the wet curls before helping me out and I dry myself off, putting on the dress my brother gave me and she helps lace up the bodice of the dress, it cinching at the waist before flowing down to my toes, the fabric soft against my skin as she has me sit at the table in the room, pulling the sides of my hair up into beautiful braids, tying it behind me and placing a hair comb where they met, handing me some blue flats to match the color of the dress before turning me to face her, looking over my face before nodding, a smile forming on her face as she does a light makeup on my face, bringing out the color of my (E/C) eyes and the natural red in my lips.

"Like I said, as beautiful as a goddess."

She says handing me a mirror and I look over myself and smile, giving her a hug.

"Thank you. I haven't felt this beautiful in a long while."

She gives me a smile before having me leave the bathhouse and I go to my room to wait for Jaskier and Geralt, sitting on the bed with a book. After a long time I hear a knock at the door and I set the book down, giving myself a quick look in the mirror and fixing the sleeves of the dress before opening the door for Jaksier.

"You look stunning, little sister. Come, we have a party to attend."

Jaskier says with a smile, taking my arm in his as he leads me out of the inn, Geralt waiting outside for us and my breathing hitches in my throat at the sight of him. He cleaned up well, and Jaskier gave me a look hearing my breathing change and looking back at Geralt with a smirk of realization. Geralt looks over to us and looks me up and down and I feel my cheeks heat up again and I give him a small smile.

"Let's hurry, I'm eager to get this night over with."

Geralt says to Jaskier, never taking his eyes off me as I look around nervously, and Jaskier smiles, taking us to the castle.

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