Chapter four: The Devil of Posada

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"So, amidst all the brooding and gut punches, chum, I'd say you've got a bit of an image problem. "

My brother starts up again, and I sigh, knowing he's on a rant again.

"Were I and my sister to join you on this feat to defeat the devil of Posada, I could relieve you of that title. All the north would be too busy singing the tale of Geralt of Rivia, the white wolf or something."

Geralt looks down at my brother from Roach and I chuckle at him.

"Butcher is right."

Geralt says, avoiding getting too close to me as he continues down the road.

"I kinda like the name white wolf, sounds mysterious."

I say with a chuckle, Jaskeir pointing at me with enthusiasm.

"See? It works! Mind if I hop up there with you it's just I'm not wearing the right foot wear for this-"

Jaskier begins to ask, getting closer to Roach with an outstretched hand and I smack his hand away, Geralt giving him a glare.

"Don't touch Roach."

Geralt says lowly as my brother mumbles an agreement with him as Geralt stops, getting off Roach and tying her reins to a dead tree next to the road and I notice something ahead of us, Geralt seems to notice it as well.

"You know the elves called this Dol Blathanna before bequeathing it to the humans and retreating into their golden palaces in the mountains. There I go again, just delivering exposition."

Jaskier says solemnly and I roll my eyes at him.

"You really think the elves just gave up their land and left Jaskier? I wouldn't be surprised if we drove them out instead."

I mutter under my breath, Geralt hearing me and he nods in agreement with my statement before walking ahead, me and Jaskier following him. My hand rests on the hilt of my sword anxiously, a bad feeling starting to brew in the pit of my stomach.

"What are we looking for again?"

Jaskier asks Geralt as I look around the area he was leading us in with caution.

"Blessed silence"

Geralt says to my brother and it goes quiet for about a moment before Jaskier interrupts it.

"Yeah no, don't fancy that. Have you ever hunted a devil before Geralt?"

Jaskier asks and I roll my eyes at his constant questions.

"Devils don't exist"

Geralt says quietly, Jaskier nodding his head as if to agree with his statement.

"Right, obviously. Then um, what are we doing?"

Jaskier asks, looking back to me and noticing my hand gripping my blade's hilt. Something didn't feel right, like we were being watched.

"Sometimes there's monsters, sometimes there's coin brother. Very rarely is it both. That's the life."

I say in hushed tones, grabbing Jaskier as I hear a high pitched whistle and Geralt is hit by what looks like a small concrete ball in the forehead, yelling out a curse as he gets behind cover and I do the same, Jaskier pulling his arm out of my grip.

"Act two begins!"

Jaskier says loudly with a flourish and I look at Geralt.

"You okay? What hit you?"

I say quietly and Geralt picks up the pellet from the ground, looking it over as I notice the cut on his forehead start to bruise.

"Looks like a tiny cannonball from a... oh my gosh."

Jaskier says looking ahead of him and I look there, seeing horns come up from the bushes and I glare at the monster.

"It really is a devil Geralt."

Jaskier says before being hit with a projectile and fainting as Geralt moves aside the bushes, a loud cry coming from where the projectile came from and Geralt is head butted, flying back a few feet and I draw my sword, ready to fight when something cold touches my neck.

"Move and I'll slit your throat woman."

A man says in my ear and I growl, throwing my head back and making contact with the man's nose, him stumbling back and I turn to him, my sword pointed at his throat instead.

"Touch me again sir and I'll cut you up."

I spit out of gritted teeth, the man looking up at me with hate and I noticed his ears and I lowered my sword in hesitation.

"You're an elf?"

I say quietly before he rushes me, tackling me to the ground and smashing my head against it, my eyesight going blurry and covered in black spots. Holding a hand against my throat and squeezing, the elf glaring at me as I claw at his hand on my throat, letting out choked gasps as he tightens his grip. My other hand is desperately trying to grab my sword next to me and the elven man notices as my head swims from lack of oxygen.

"You would do well to stay down."

The elf growls out as he kicks my sword away from me before my eyes roll in the back of my head and I lose consciousness.

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