Chapter twenty-eight: Yennefer's wish

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Early that next morning I head out of the tent as Geralt gets dressed, stretching my back out with a groan.

"Has anyone seen my escort?"

Yennefer asks the group and I walk over to her, helping her look for Eyck when I hear Yarpen yell, looking at Yennefer with a frown as we rush over to where Yarpen yelled.

"What the hell?!"

I say in shock as I see the body of Eyck, pants down around his ankles and his throat slit, Yennefer grabbing my arm and holding it tightly and I hear her breathing hitch.

"Who slits a man's throat while he's relieving his bowels? Is nothing sacred anymore?"

Jaskier whispers next to me as Geralt walks over to see what the commotion was about and Yennefer pulls me away from the scene, muttering a curse under her breath and I help her pack her things, watching her face.

"Yen, while Eyck dying wasn't part of the plan, know I will help protect you if things go south at all."

I tell her as I help her put on her pack and she turns around, taking my hands gently with a sad smile.

"Thank you little bird. It means a lot that you care."

Yennefer says and I smile softly at her before heading off to help Geralt pack our bag, Yennefer watching me as I leave.

"You stay with her for now love. She will need the help more than I will."

Geralt says to me as I come over to him and I notice the look he was giving Yennefer. It was one full of distrust and something else I couldn't make out.

"Are you sure Geralt? You'd be stuck with my brother for the remainder of the trip."

I say teasingly and Geralt cringes at the thought but he nods, leaning over and placing a kiss to my lips, slipping my sword into me hands as he does so.

"Protect her and yourself. I trust you."

Geralt says and I nod, heading back over to Yennefer and the party moves forward, climbing through the rocky terrain carefully, Yennefer staying quiet most of that time till I got tired of her moping.

"Yen, come with me for a moment."

I say as I help her up a steep part of the mountain before pulling her away from the group, walking quickly next to her.

"Did you kill Eyck?"

I ask her and she scoffs quietly, focusing on the ground ahead of us.

"Kill him? That's rather pedestrian."

Yennefer says, turning to look at me.

"And you're the one who's been glaring daggers at him since we arrived. Jealous little bird?"

Yennefer asks me with a teasing tone and I flush red, turning away from her slightly as we continued to walk.

"No, he just seemed like a self righteous fud, that's all."

I mumble and she smirks slightly, the wheels turning in her mind.

"It was the Reavers. That bastard Boholt killed my escort before he could accomplish the one task I needed him for."

Yennefer says bitterly and I frown, grabbing her arm gently and stopping her.

"Yen, why are you on this quest?"

I ask her gently and I see guilt flash in her eyes for a moment.

"I'm here for the dragon. There are certain healing properties it's rumored to possess."

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