Chapter fifteen: Leaving Temeria

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Geralt says quietly before opening his eyes, a groan leaving his lips as he looks around the room, Triss working on a salve for us to take before turning around at the sound of his voice.

"How do you feel?"

Triss says with a smile and Geralt shoots her a glare, sitting up from the bed and setting his feet on the floor.

"I'll take our coin now."

Geralt says with a gruff voice and stops, looking around for you with a frown.

"Where's (Y/N)?"

Geralt asks Triss and she smirks, leaning against the table.

"She went to get more bandages for your journey. You know, you kept saying her name in your sleep, over and over again."

Triss teases Geralt and he ignores her comment, pulling on his shirt and armor carefully.

"The coin."

Is all he says and I enter the room, my bag in my hands as I walk over to Triss muttering to myself.

"I've got the bandages and I also brought you some more sage for the salve."

I tell her as I glance over to the bed to see Geralt awake and a grin spreads on my face, walking over to him and giving him a gentle hug in relief, before I glare at him sternly.

"You sir, broke your promise. I said to come back in one piece, not five."

I say pointing a finger at him and he smiles slightly at my words, shrugging his shoulders slightly with a wince.

"I came back didn't I?"

Geralt says and stands up, going to grab his swords and bag and I stop him, taking them out of his hands.

"Ah, no way mister, you'll screw up Triss and mine's hard work. You just let me carry this, and don't argue with me on this."

I say sternly and he rolls his eyes, Triss handing Geralt a coin purse and he looks inside and pulls out an antique brooch and I look at it with curiosity before he places it back inside the purse.

"The king has made a statement. The brave lord Ostrit gave his life to slay the vukodlak. Miners are gathering ore for a statue."

Triss says and I roll my eyes, grabbing my bag and opening the door for Geralt and Triss as she leads us to the castle gates.

"Now, take care of yourself (Y/N). And make sure this one doesn't die before he meets his destiny."

Triss says, pulling me into a hug goodbye and I smile, pulling away from her with a nod.

"You should know this by now Triss, I don't believe in destiny."

I give her a cheeky smirk and Geralt smiles at our exchange for a moment before he motions for us to get moving and I wave goodbye to Triss as we head back to the town.

"How did you find me?"

Geralt finally asks me after walking in silence for a while and I sigh, shifting my bag on my shoulder as I think.

"I heard a shriek, and sensed that you were in danger. I just followed my gut and it led me to the crypt."

I say, thinking of my words carefully and Geralt hums in thought, and I give him a look.

"You have the senses of a witcher."

Geralt finally says quietly and I chuckle softly at him, looking at the sky with a soft frown. Storm clouds were brewing on the horizon, I didn't like the look of them.

"We should hurry, a storm is coming."

I mutter, walking a little faster and Geralt nods in agreement, following after me and we soon reach the town, and I head to the inn we previously stayed at and head into the stable, taking out Roach and Nareas as Geralt pays the innkeeper for taking care of them.

"Hey girls."

I coo quietly as I pet them, putting mine and Geralt's stuff onto the saddles as I hear his footsteps come back.

"So, where too?"

Geralt asks me as he climbs onto Roaches saddle and I think for a moment, listening to the wind and taking a deep breath in.

"Cintra. I heard from Triss that they are having issues with a selkimore. Plus I heard my brother was heading there from the bard at the inn."

Geralt grunts in annoyance at the mention of Jaskier and I grin, getting onto Nareas and gently squeezing into her side as a signal to go and Geralt follows after me, a frown on his face.

"This is going to be an adventure."

Geralt mutters and I laugh at his comment, giving him a smile, happy he was okay.

Shorter chapter lovelies I know, but I got stuck on how to continue this part. The flow doesn't quite feel right to me but eh, it works for now till I can figure out a better way to write it. Till the next time!

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