Chapter 4: Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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So sorry for the late update.

We went up to his room which was incredibly messy. He was sharing it with Ron. And Ron was in the corner attempting to close his trunk which was ridiculously full. So, the three of us spent the next hour packing and yelling at each other.

"RON! GET OUT OF THE WAY!" I yelled.

"WHERE'S MY OTHER SHOE?" Screamed Ron.

"STOP YELLING!" Harry exclaimed.

"GINNY!" said Ron.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I yelled back.

"WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE?" he yelled.


We finally finished packing and brought his trunk and his owl named Hedwig downstairs. I loved Hedwig. She's such a pretty bird. I started to pet her and she started relax in my arms. 

"I think she's grown fond of you." said Harry noticing Hedwig cuddling with me. 

"Yup. She might even like me better than you." I teased.

"No way. Watch. Hedwig! Come here!" he said in a baby voice.

Hedwig hissed at him (Although I'm not quite sure if owls can hiss, it sure sounded like one) and continued to nuzzle into my arms.

"See?" I asked.

"Betrayed by my own owl. It hurts. It really does.Do you need any help with your stuff?" he asked.

"No thanks. I think I can handle it Harry." I said.

"No please let me help. You helped me and now it's my turn to return the favour. Plus I really wanna see your room and all your secrets you keep in there." he said clearing his throat. 

"I'm sorry, what?" 

"What?" he shrugged. 

I wasn't sure if he said what I think he said but I really didn't care. So I awkwardly laughed. 

"Fine. Let's go to my room." I put Hedwig back into her cage.

 I bumped into Hermione on the stairs up to my room. 

"Hey where are you two going? We have to leave really soon or we'll miss the train or worse we'll get late! You know I can't handle being late Ginny." said Hermione.

"Oh Harry's just helping me bring my stuff downstairs. We'll be down soon." 

"Oh so you're going to Ginny's room." she stated. 

"Um yes?" asked Harry confused.

"Harry. Is going. To Ginny's room. A l o n e?" She asked with a mischievous smile. 

"Oh stop it!" I said while grabbing his hand and heading up stairs. 

"Don't be too long!" she shouted as I walked faster. I could feel my face heat up. 

We went to my room which was no cleaner than Ron's. 

"Sorry for the mess." I said blushing while looking around, noting the fact that ALL pieces of my wardrobe was everywhere. All. 

Harry chuckled. "It's alright." He didn't seem to notice my awkwardness or red face. Which was redder than my hair right now to be honest. 

We picked up my things and brought them downstairs only to hear my mum yelling....again.


"We better hurry." said Harry. 

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