Chapter 18: Escaping Hell

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"You weren't supposed to escape." 

My heart stopped.  Why was everyone against me jheez? Doesn't matter, I'm Ginny bloody Weasley, I'm not going without a fight. 

"You too Aaliyah?" I scoffed as she looked at the ground.

"What - got nothing to say? I can't even look at you-"

"There's so much you don't know!" she exclaimed angrily. "Don't you think if I couldn't stopped her I would?! How could you think I could betray you like this?" she sighed.

"Well you know, I didn't think I would be spending my Saturday evening bloody tied up by Sam but here we are!" I threw my hands up dramatically. 

"Something's not right with her. She threatened me - I don't know what's wrong with her but I'm here to help you. But in return you have to help me too." 

I raised my eyebrows suspiciously. Obviously I wanted to believe my friend. Honestly, I was so exhausted I don't know how I was still standing but I had to stay alert and couldn't let my guard down.

She grabbed my arm to support me and we started walking in a direction I HOPED was the right way back to school. 

"How could this happen?" I whispered, ashamed of myself for not being there when my friends needed me, ashamed of my friend for behaving this way and overall just a lot of frickin shame. 

"I mean, Sam's parents are dead. And when someone that close to you just suddenly leaves your life forever it can make you do some pretty crazy things."

"Yeah but what the hell is this?!?" I huffed. "I'm not that bad of a friend..." I looked at Aaliyah and remembered that Sam mentioned she had a boyfriend that I ABSOLUTELY HAD NO CLUE ABOUT! 

Is it really the best time to ask her about this...? Oh well, might as well. 

"So.... who's the lucky guy?" I smirked. 

"Girl- what -" she looked at me like I had 3 heads. Please, I'm no Fluffy. "Why are we talking this right now, you're literally about to pass out." she rolled her eyes. 

"Oh come o-"

"TRAITOR!" Yelled a voice coming from the shadows. Yikes, you know that girl can be so loud sometimes. My head was still hurting - it wasn't a good time. 

"Sam calm down." Aaliyah pushed me behind her. 

"Sam you need to stop this. I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry I didn't know. Please stop this." I pleaded. 

She looked at me with her sad eyes. "I wish I could." she says softly.

She reached in her robe and swiftly pulled out her wand.

"STUPEFY!" She yelled pointing her wand at me. I ducked and caught the wand Aaliyah threw at me.

"EXPELLIARMUS!" I yelled. Sam was quick and dodged it just in time.

"Aaliyah RUN!" I screamed to her.

Wait why is she actually running away I- I can't even stand :(

"I'll get help!" I heard her yell. I mean okay I guess. 


 I threw myself to the ground just in time. 

How could she have known this spell? We haven't learned it. Only the slytherins would dare to use The Unforgivable Curses. 

Slytherin? Oh my god. 

Could- could she be under a spell? Could someone have tricked her? or threatened her? 

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