Chapter 21: What to do now?

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"So you two have been dating this entire time!?" Ouch. 

"No. Just recently. I mean I know I kept going after you but I was missing out on something so much better." he grinned at Aaliyah. 

"...gee thanks Dean." I said as he chuckled.

"Hey! Ginny Weasley is the best thing that's happene-."

"Oh now you're getting defensive!?" I slapped his arm. "Anyways, you absolute moron, this is a good thing."

"Why'd you hit me so hard?" he whined rubbing his arm as I rolled my eyes. 

"Well, we'll be off then! Bye!" Aaliyah grabbed Dean's hand and rushed off before we could say another word. 

"I think they're cute together." I spoke as Harry and I entered the common room. I could tell he was unsure about them. 

"Isn't it a little weird that they're dating?" 

"I mean... a little but I thought Dean was your friend. Come on Harry. Be happy for Aaliyah at least. I trust her."

"I just don't want her to get hurt."

Aww. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he brought me closer to him. 

"Oh has Mr. Potter gone soft?" I asked him. 

"Oh shut up." he said bringing his lips near my ear. "I think Mrs. Potter needs to learn how to keep her mouth shut."

"W-what?" I stuttered. 

His eyes widened and before I could say anything else, his lips crashed into mine. I missed this. I missed his attention. I missed his hands on my waist. I mis-

"Alright! I know I said I was okay with this! But can you not?!" shouted Ron walking in the common room.


"Just don't do all that in front of others, don't you have any manners?" he exclaimed.

"So... you don't want us to do anything in public..?" 

"Of course not!"

"You want... me and Harry to be absolutely alone ...?" 

"Exactly. Thank you."

Harry and I looked at each other and waited. 3....2....1....

"WAIT! No are you crazy?"

There we go. 

"There we go." laughed Harry. 

Hermione (who walked in with Ron) took a seat next to me on the couch across from the boys. 

"How's Sam?" I asked. 

"She'll be fine honestly, I think she needs you more than she lets off. If we distract her with something she'll be back to normal in no time." I nodded and that was the end of that conversation.

We just stared at each other... how were we all sitting here with nothing to do? Draco's gone. Sam's issue is solved. Ron and Hermione are together. Aaliyah's boyfriend isn't a mystery...

"This is weird." said Ron. 

"Yeah, we've never actually had a day off have we?" inquired Hermione. 

"Well, we could go on some crazy adventure that could potentially kill us." said Harry.

"I mean that's just a typical Tuesday for the golden trio...let's do it!" yelled Ron.

"HEY I DON'T KNOW WHAT "IT" YOU'RE TALKIN ABOUT BUT YOU'RE ALL TOO LOUD SO GO DO "IT" SOMEWHERE ELSE!" shouted a voice from the girls dormitories.

It Just Takes Time (A Hinny Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz