Chapter 25: Revealed secrets and reunions.

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"Wake up! wake up!!" I heard someone say. The person was shaking me also. "Wake up! wake up!!" The person repeated before finally hitting me hard.

"The fuck!?" I shouted as I sat up.

"The what?" Grandma asked.

I didn't reply her. Ouch, that really hurt.

"You know what?" She asked. "I don't even have the energy for your misconduct." She sighed. "If you live under my roof, you've got to work." She continued, standing at akimbo.

"Okay." I said, returning back to my sleeping position. "It's too early for chores now."I tried to pass my opinion.

But, no. Grandma wasn't having any of it. "It's too early?" She asked, raising her voice. "It's already 6:30am. Stand up this instant." She commanded with a firm voice. "I let you sleep more because of all the stress from traveling. If not I would have woken you up by 5:00am." She said.

"Okay." I replied, not really paying attention to anything she was saying.

"Stand up." She said once again.

"I will. Just give me-" I felt a sting of something cold run down my back. "Fuck!" I shouted as I sat up in bed. My body, along with the bed was soaked in water.

It took me some seconds to comprehend what just happened.

"What?" She asked.

"Where did the water come from?" I asked her.

"There's more where that came from." She said.

"I'm up, I'm up." I said, standing up on my feet.

"You better dry that mattress today, before it'll start oozing." She said, turning around and walking away.

What just happened? I asked myself.

How could a 64 year old woman have that much energy?

Lost in my train of thoughts, I don't know how I ended up in the bathroom. Anyway, since I'm already here, why don't I shower?

After showering, I wore a peach shirt on a black pleated skirt that stopped inches above my knees. I'm very positive grandma would go on and on about my dressing, but what do I care.

For someone who got water dumped on them, I was still very sleepy.

I yawned. "What's there to do in this old cottage anyway?" I asked myself, looking around.

I sighted a broom by one corner of the kitchen. I heaved a sigh, then forced myself to pick it up.

What's working without music? I brought out my earphones, so I could listen to music, while I worked. Carried away by the music, I didn't know when I ended up sweeping, mopping, removing the cobwebs, and dusting all the furnitures.

When I was done, I went back to my room to sleep. I slept for some time before grandma started shouting again.

"This lazy girl." Grandma said as she kept on shaking me. "Do you know that you are a girl?" She asked me.

"No doubt, I don't. Please tell me." I muttered.

"Stand up. In this house, I can't be the one cooking the food, while all you do is to sleep like a dead human." She said.

"I've done some chores." I told her.

What is this old woman's problem anyway?

"Only?" She asked.

"What else?" I asked her.

"When you marry, who would be-"

"Oh come on! All that's stuff is in the future. Why don't you wait till then?" I asked her.

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