How Jean-Luc Saved Christmas (Finale)

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(Weird character to use for a finale, hmm?)

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the snow. Not many creatures were stirring, because a lot had to go.

At home, the stockings were hung with care, because they knew soon Saint Nick would be there.

Luz and Amity had finally moved into their own house, with King by their side having befriended a mouse.

Jean-Luc, kind servant he was, decided that the prince needed a gift just because.

He set off to the North Pole, hopefully not falling down any hole!

What was the gift? To prove Santa Claus was real, and give him a lift!

I'm running out of rhymes, so perhaps...uhhh...oh, dear.

I'll just cut it here. Hello! My name is Jean-Luc. I am the trusted servant of King Malos, guardian of King, and of course! Eda and Raine's butler! I suppose I have quite the resume!

A lot has happened ever since Belos was defeated, and now? It is a rather jolly season! Christmas Eve! A time for family, friends, snow, and gifts! Of course, it has its ups and downs like every single holiday. But? I like to think that Christmas is still a time for joy and cheer. The preparations for it are what are stressful!

However, those are my thoughts! Christmas is a very joyful time in The Clawthorne House! As said earlier, Luz, King, and Amity recently moved into their own house. But? I be sure to visit King often! He is like my sibling! But? He's grandchild. I'm his 'nanny' after all.

But, this Christmas Eve? I was covered in snow. I was in The North Pole trying to find Santa Claus and prove his existence to my prince! Luz and Amity requested this because they weren't honestly sure if Santa was real or not due to everything else fantastical being real.

I sighed before scratching my head. "I guess I should spend more time looking before using my teleportation. After all, I can't exactly feel cold."

I kept looking, the snow crunching under my feet...but when I stopped walking? I kept hearing the crunching of the snow. I turned my head, wondering if there was some kind of polar bear or something else.

What I saw was a shadow of some kind. I...well, to put it simply...panicked.

"DEMON!!!" I screamed, lunging at the shadowy creature and tackling it into the snow. I started to fight it, wrapping my arms around its chest...before seeing its long face. Its brown fur. Its...antlers? And its glowing red nose-

Oh, no.

I screamed, quickly letting of of the creature. This was a reindeer, with a glowing red nose no less!

"I apologize! I sincerely apologize!" I cried, helping the reindeer, Rudolph, stand up.

Rudolph looked at me and quickly made some noises. He didn't sound happy.

"I am so sorry! I thought you were some kind of demon." I apologized once again.

Rudolph made more and more noises. And for the sake of the story, I will translate.

'I guess it's ok. It's not everyday you see a reindeer in the North Pole. Who are you? I've never seen anything like you before.'

"Oh!" I said, scrambling to my feet and brushing myself off of all the snow. "My name is Jean-Luc! I am a creature made of stone created by The Demon King of The Boiling Isles, Malos! I am the 'Nana' of King and in honor of Christmas, I was requested to give him a gift. Proof that Santa Claus is real!"

'King...King, King, King- Oh! King Clawthorne! I know him! He always leaves GIANT carrots for us every Christmas! He's a demon, right?'

"A very adorable one, yes." I smiled. "May I see Santa Claus? After all, if you are here, then that must mean-"

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