Part 16 - Student day...

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7.00am - Y/N woke with small eyes. She had difficulties to find sleep because of a certain devil's actions. She went to the bathroom; a shower was the best to wake up her tired body. When ready, she went to prepare breakfast and a lunch bag.

Time passing, it was 7.45am. Jungkook was still not awake and there was 30 minutes of drive to reach her university at this hour. Her exam will start at 9.00am.

Y/N: Y/N, don't be shy and just go wake him up or you will never make it on time.

She knocked at his door but no answer. She opened the door and saw him sleeping quietly. She came near him and called him.

 She came near him and called him

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Y/N: Ahjussi... Ahjussi, I need to go to school, are you accompany me or not?

Jungkook: humm, there is no Ahjussi here... (He managed to respond in a sleepy voice.)

Y/N didn't want to lose time. She lightly pushed his shoulder to take him out of his sleep.

Y/N: Ahjussi... Ahjussi, I don't want to be late, so wak...

Jungkook didn't let her finish her sentence. He quickly sat and kissed her. She was like statuified, her eyes wide open, not realizing what was happening, once again. The kiss was short but had its effect.

 The kiss was short but had its effect

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Jungkook: I'm awake now... (He smirked.)

Y/N felt her entire face becoming red and hot. She pushed him, making him laugh.

Y/N: Ahjussi, are you crazy!!!

Jungkook: Ahjussi, ah, one kiss was not enough. (He slowly approached her.)

Y/N: (She stepped back, panicked by his glare.) Stop that... you... you... I need to go to my exam, are you coming or not?

Jungkook: I'm coming... arrf, it's too early... I'm tired...

Y/N left his room as fast as possible. That guy became more and more shamelessly. Her mind was in a total mess.

Y/N: Arrff, he really wants me to fail my exam!!! Why is he doing that to me...

When a Cold Mafia falls in love - BTS Jungkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now