Part 17 - Confession

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The class finished and Y/N packed her stuffs, with a long face, angry over Jungkook. She embarrassed herself in front of the entire class.

Jungkook: It's good, we can go home now?

Y/N ignored him, and it made him laugh. Sunbin didn't know why she was angry against Jungkook, but he wanted to take advantage of the situation.

Sunbin: Noona, you didn't forget that our class goes to camp this weekend. It will be nice to have fun all together.

Y/N: Sunbin, I'm sorry, I will probably not come, I'm not at ease with that kind of things.

He grabbed Y/N wrist but let her go immediately after hearing Jungkook coughing, accompanied by a deadly glare.

Sunbin: It will not be fun for me without you... if you change your mind, call me, I can pick you up at anytime.

Jungkook: Y/N, it's time to go, bye Kid!

Y/N: Bye Sunbin and have fun with the others this weekend.

Y/N left the classroom, followed by Jungkook.

Jungkook: You're angry against me?

Y/N: I don't want to talk with you, Pervert Ahjussi!

Jungkook: You're looking for your punishment... Ahjussi??? Pervert Ahjussi???

She abruptly stopped, turned herself to face him with what she thought a serious face and her hands on her hips.

Y/N: What's wrong with you? Is it that much funny to tease me about that? 

Jungkook: (Trying to contain his laugh.) Yes, it is... your reactions are so cute.

Y/N: It's not funny for me, you're playing with me, I'm not a toy!

Jungkook changed his expression for a more serious one. His eyes were different too, more serious. He passed his arm around Y/N waist and attracted her against him. She put her hands against his chest by reflex.

Jungkook: What will you do if I want you to be my little doll?

Y/N's heart started to beat in a crazy cadence and her face was red. She could feel the looks of the students on her.

Y/N: St.. Stop that...and let me go... people are staring at us.

Jungkook: You forgot? I don't care about others... so what will you do if I want you to be mine?

Y/N didn't know what to do or to respond. Her mind became blank. She was only saved by Jungkook's phone ringtone. He released her with a proud smile on his face.

Jungkook: Give me a second, baby doll. – Nobu-san, do you have something for me?... Okay, I'm on my way.

Y/N was trying to calm herself after that new move from the newly named, Devil Ahjussi. Jungkook put his phone in his pocket and looked at Y/N.

Jungkook: We will make a little stop before going home...

They walked across the campus in silence, Y/N keeping a security distance from the Devil. They got into the car and Jungkook laughed at her expression. He took off his glasses, his student time was over.

Jungkook: Relax, you will like the place where we're going.

Y/N: (She murmured.) How can I be relaxed sat in a car, near the Devil...

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