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From mansion jungkook straight go towards a luxuries bar.he was depressed and angry as hell.the frustation not helping him too.

Jungkook appointed a private detective to investigate about his girlfriend,during his drive the detective called him amd informed the engagement of his ex girlfriend. He knew that riya is kust usimg but still so. Ewhere inside him he still hopes for love and her comeback. But now its all collapsed.

Jungkook keep drinking ,he has a high  liquors capacity.then he noticed a flawless girl with blackdress coming
towards him and she placed her order.he was stuck with the beauty of the girl.but still when look up to her taehyunngs face kept coming infront of him.

The girl feel a pair of eyes on her,she look at jungkook.At first sight she came to knew that jungkook was belongs to a rich family.but she doesnt show anykind of massive reaction .she just gave a small smile to jungkook.

Later one hour they became flirt to eachother .the girl name was gami.gami came to knew that jungkook was forcibly married to a guy but jungkook doesnt have any interest in that marriage and he has a girlfriend who left him jungkook was devasted.gami know it was correct situation to take control over jungkook ,beacuse he needsome one now.

The talk between two get more heated and jungkook like her character its just like his ex girlfriend, so calm yet sassy talking way, but don't knew when jungkook  he did the mistake  but the frustation and his tendency to run away from the situation made him  confessed gami to became his girlfriend.

It was a jackpot won for gami. At first she showed some denials but somehow managed to say yes later.

After confession it  was a long night with a lot of conservation's and drinks.

Jungkook was lost.he lost his mimd after several shots dont knew when he losed his consciousness.

The only talking he remembered was talking with gami.

After several hours spending with jungkook gami catched a taxi amd arrived at her home. There someone was waiting for her none other than ber boyfriend  yung.

The couples were looking for a apt prey today somehow they mamaged to catch a big fish the major heir of jeon corps.


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