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When Raven got back to the tower with the other Titans, everyone went straight for the kitchen. Sure she was hungry, but meditating was more important. She floated towards her room.

Then Robin stopped her. "Raven?" Raven turned to face him. "Don't you want to come?" Silence filled the hallway as Robin stood, waiting for a reply. Raven froze, but did not turn to face him.

"No." Raven said in her usual quiet, croaky, tone. She turned away from him and continued her walk. Raven's life was lonely no doubt, but she couldn't help it. With the life she was living, how could she?

Raven walked into her dark room feeling alone. She lit up her seance once more, but was hesitant this time. She did not want the same thing happening again. Her fears had gotten the better of her yesterday morning and her emotions were out of hand.

Her room had erupted into flying books controlled by a tornado of her possessions. Which was why she had decided to go up to the rooftop more often recently.

Having the rooftop come to mind reminded her of what Beast Boy had said this morning. Maybe she would go back tomorrow morning, it would definitely be a less destructive place than her own room, where her emotions lived.

Despite all of that, she still usually meditated in her room near the window to see the sunrise, it was the only place nobody bothered her. Even if they knocked on the door, she could still meditate in peace.

Raven began to meditate. "Azarath metrion zinthos. Azarath metrion zinthos." She continued to chant. Peace began to eminate from her being and her emotions began to dissipate.

A smile grew on Raven's face, but she kept her eyes closed. She felt calm and relaxed. It was exactly what she had needed. Then her stomach growled.

Roaming back into the kitchen, Raven made herself some herbal tea. Noticing her friends on the couch. Robin was instructing them about the plan for tomorrow.

Everyone said their good nights and went off to their rooms to go to bed after Cyborg turned on the tower security system. Beastboy lingered behind.

Raven pours her steaming hot water into her cup, dropping in her dried herbs she had combined in a bowl. She had mixed in a strand of lemon grass, four Tulsi leaves, two carmadod leaves, and a bit of ginger.

"Hey Rae." Beast Boy says from behind Raven. Raven keeps her back to him, stirring her herbs together.

"What do you want?" Raven whispered.

"I'm just saying hello? Can't a guy... say hello?"

Raven raises an eyebrow. Why did he say hello twice? At least he was talking to her. Raven was lonely, but she kept it that way on purpose. She didn't want to hurt anyone.

"Hi." She responds quietly and sips her herbal as she faces him. At least she felt refreshed.

Beastboy felt as though he were shut out. Raven barely said anything to him. Why was she like this? Why couldn't they get along? He scratched the back of his head sheepishly as her eyes land on him.

"Are you okay?" Beast Boy asks, tilting his head as he watches her. He knit his eyebrows together with concern. Raven keeps her eyes away from Beastboy, making sure her back was turned.

"Never been better." Raven sips her tea, before sitting on the couch. She uses her magic to pull a book out and it floats in the air. She begins to read. Avoiding the feelings she was getting, she did not want to think about them right now.

Beast Boy watches Raven curiously. With Terra out of the picture, he became more and more interested in Raven. I mean sure he was interested in her before, but now more than ever before.

Her dark eyes were attractive and as much as he didn't want to admit it, he desperately wanted to stare into them. Raven was a mystery to him, a puzzle, and Beast Boy was determined to solve it.

Despite being tired, Beast Boy walks over and sits down next to Raven. Raven takes a glance at him, shocked by his actions. He smiles at her, before putting his attention on the windows behind the main tv screen.

"Are you going to watch something?" Raven asks, almost irritated.

"Whatcha reading?" Beast Boy starts, ignoring her question.

"A book." She replies quietly.

"What kind of book?"

Raven sighs. She didn't want him to know. What would he think of her? He'd already told her she was 'wayy creepy' before and that her energy was weird. What would he think of the book she was reading? "It's-- it's just a book." Raven whispered.

When had anyone been interested in her? It felt like nobody cared about her. Nobody understood her, but for some reason Beast Boy was interested. It made Raven happy, even if it was a book she didn't want him to know about.

Just then, the movies on display float up in the air and crash to the ground. Raven shuts her eyes tightly, before surveying the damage. She picks the movies up with her magic, gently setting them back.

Beast Boy watches, curiously. Raven sighs, her eyes still on the movies.

Before Raven can hide the book, Beast Boy is already reading the cover. "10 herbal teas that promote weight loss..." He trails off, before realizing what he had said. "Weight loss? You're reading a book about weight loss?"

Raven shut the book aburptly with her black magic, and put her hood on. She didn't expect him to understand, nobody would understand, nobody ever did.

Raven got up abruptly and walked out of the room, leaving Beast Boy shocked. He had lifted a hand up in the process, his face holding a look of concern. His body language was screaming don't go.

Raven left anyway, unaware of his actions. She walked down the hall in a hurry, until she made it into her room. She slumped down against the wall.

Beast Boy chases after Raven, but he is too slow. Raven had already gone into her dark, cold room. He stood at the door, unsure if he should knock. She had left for a reason, surely she didn't want to talk anymore.

Despite those thoughts, Beast Boy puts a hand on the door. He was worried about Raven, but knew he couldn't do anything about it tonight. Raven needed alone time, he could sense it. Instead of saying anything, Beast Boy places his forehead to the door, hearing Raven's sniffles.

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