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With his battery recharged, Cyborg hit the gym. He wanted to get an early move on and his muscles itched for action.

They had caught four villains two days ago, and three villains yesterday. Naming KillerMoth, Kitten, and Fang. As well as Mumbo Jumbo, Cinderblock, Overload, Mad Mod, and Control Freak.

Today the team was going after Doctor Light, Plasmas, Billy Numerous, and Atlas.

Cyborg was especially excited to fight Atlas. He had caught him once, and he would do it again. He was stronger now, and he felt more confident in his robot abilities.

Cyborg Lifted weights for a good thirty minutes before he heard noises in the kitchen. Then his stomach began to growl.

Wiping his head with a sweat towel, Cyborg stepped out of the gym and made his way into the kitchen.

Robin was in the kitchen whipping up some pancakes and Starfire was rummaging in the fridge. "I cannot find it, Robin." Starfire says with disappointment.

Robin smiles. "It's alright Star, we'll manage." Star walks back over to Robin and the two cook and flip the pancakes together.

One particular pancake was done and Star grabbed the spatula, but as she did, Robin's hand landed on hers. The two of them pulled away, dropping the spatula, faces in shock.

"Sorry." Robin says sheepishly, and he scratches the back of his head. His spiky hair was flawless and Starfire couldn't help but notice how attractive he was looking today. She turned away blushing.

"Ooo! Pancakes?" Cyborg interrupts, walking down to the kitchen. "I'm starving."

Star and Robin give each other a look of embarrassement before smiling at Cyborg. Had he not noticed what had happened between them? "Take as much as you'd like." Robin replies.

Earlier that morning.

The sun had rose and at five am, Beast Boy shot up from his bed of filth. His alarm was ringing.

Turning it off, Beastboy got up and out of his dirty, cluttered, bed and walked over to his desk. Out laid on the desk was a notebook of jokes he'd made up, and things he always wanted to say to Raven.

He had honestly had a crush on her since he met her, but was too shy to do anything about it. All he was able to do was blurt out jokes and his nerves talked for him. She clearly was not impressed with him, why was he still trying?


Those feelings don't just disappear, and Beast Boy wasn't about to give up on Raven. Sure she was cold, but he could tell it was for a reason. Raven actually had a softer side to her, a side that had caught Beast Boy's heart.

Looking in the mirror, Beast Boy made sure his hair looked nice and he was wearing his usual, purple jumpsuit. Would Raven ever notice him though?

Looking back to his notebook and reviewing his ideas and phrases, Beast Boy finally felt ready. He left the room in a hurry after looking at the time once more. It was 5:08.

As he roamed the tower, Beast Boy pictured Raven floating on the rooftop, looking effortlessly beautiful. He hoped they could enjoy the view together and put the past behind him.

Once he reached the rooftop, Beast Boy hesitated to open the door. The fear of the rooftop being empty was eating at him. What if Raven knew he would come? Would she want to avoid him after last night?

Beast Boy felt groggy, maybe she wouldn't want to wake up at 5am again. They both clearly were lacking a lot of sleep. Could she possibly still be sleeping?

Letting go of his thoughts, Beast Boy held his breath and closed his eyes, before stepping forward and twisting the door handle.

A light breeze swept past him, and the sky was illuminated with soft pinks, yellows, oranges, and baby blue on the edges. It was a beautiful sight.

Squinting a bit because of how dark the tower had been, Beast Boy's eyes finally adjust, and immediately lock onto the spot Raven had been yesterday morning.

Nobody was there, and in her place was the view of the ocean, its waves cascading onto the beach below of the Titan's island. Beast Boy slowly walked over to the edge and looked down, before sitting. He took in a deep breath.

Getting up at five was exhausting, but exciting. His only motivation had been Raven and he had been determined to be here to spend time with her alone. Just her and him. It was the only time he could be alone with her.

With the disappointment, Beast Boy was upset. He had gotten up for nothing and his stomach began to growl. It would take him at least a half hour to go back to sleep, but everything seemed pointless now.

"What are you doing up here?" A quiet voice says behind him. Beast Boy turns his head, surprised to hear such a beautiful voice, and he knew exactly who it belonged to. Beast Boy's disappointed face immediately changed to a sweet, happy smile.

"I came here to see you." He didn't want to ruin things with Raven, but what else could he say? He was just being honest! Fear that she might reject him was starting to hold him back though.

What if it made things awkward on the team, what if him confessing his feelings ruined their friendship and Raven ended up leaving the team? Or he ended up leaving the team! The idea scared Beast Boy, but his feelings for Raven seemed to be slightly overpowering those fears.

"Why?" Raven replies, she sits down next to BeastBoy, her feet now dangling next to his. Raven looked up at the sun, unsure of what to do. She needed to meditate, but something was holding back the urge.

And for the first time ever, she wanted to talk to Beast Boy.

"It may not seem like it, but I care about you, Rae." Beast Boy says, sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head. He takes a risky glance at her. She looks at him with a sincere sad, look.

He really cared about her?

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