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When Beast Boy heard that Raven hadn't come out of her room for the day, he was immediately worried. He began to think of any reason she might have for not leaving her room. Was she upset with him? Had he done something wrong? Was she sick? He hoped she was okay. 

Robin and Cyborg were still in the tower with him, but were about to leave, they didn't have time to stop for Raven, they needed to hurry before they lost Slade again. 

"Let me just get Raven and we'll go." Beast Boy replies, but Cyborg is glued to his scanner and Robin is oblivious. 

All Robin could think about was Star, he deeply yearned to be with her again. He missed her beautiful smile, the way her tamaranian hair flowed down her back, and how the strands picked up in the breeze as she flew. However, what he missed most was her gorgeous, bright green eyes. 

"Don't bother, I went to her room this morning, she's busy." Robin finally replies.

Busy? Busy doing what? Now Beast Boy knew for certain something was up with Raven. In the past of course, Raven would stay in her room more frequently, but usually not when there was crime to fight.

"Uhm-- y'know, I sort of left some Tofu out in my room, I should stick it back in the fridge," Cyborg and Robin lock eyes, skepticism present. They look back to Beast Boy. "I'll catch up with you guys later!" Beast Boy scratches the back of his head sheepishly.

"O-kay.." Robin trails off, raising an eyebrow.

As soon as Robin and Cyborg leave, Beast Boy walks past his room to Raven's room, where he was only welcomed to silence. "Raven? Hello?"

The only things Beast Boy could hear was the air conditioning of the tower and his own breathing. No answer.

"Raven it's me, Beast Boy. Is-- everything--" Before Beast Boy could finish the door abruptly opens with a loud thud that echoes into the hallway. "Okay, that was wasn't me this time-- Raven? Are you in here?"

"Slade's moved South of the city library." Cyborg says to Robin as they drive in the T car.

"Let's hurry." Robin replies and Cyborg steps on it.

Beast Boy quietly stepped into what seemed to be a dark abyss. The only thing he could see was a seance of candles surrounding a shiny object.

Beast Boy walks over to the dimly lit candles, scanning the room. Barely anything was out of place, maybe a few books here and there, but the worst of it was Raven's bed.

Raven's bedsheets were untidy as if she had climbed out of bed carelessly. on top of the bedsheets, however, was books dispersed all across the bed. Some of the books were opened, and some weren't.

Raven's window was closed, letting only but a line of sunlight into the room. Raven's beauty stand was also littered with books.

Beast Boy looks down at what was in front of him, the object in the middle of the candles was a mirror, but not just any mirror, it was the one Beast Boy could clearly remember being sucked into a little while ago.

"Rae?" Beast Boy whispers, she had to be here somewhere right? Clearly she wasn't in the mirror.

As Beast Boy began to leave, the mirror rose into the air, Beast Boy turned at the sudden noise. "uhmm-- dude that's freaky cool. Hello? Raven?"

Seeing the mirror again tempted Beast Boy, he wanted to go back in and see the other Ravens, but what would Raven think? He felt a bit shy with his feelings for her, she'd totally clobber him and think he was ridiculous if she ever found out. Everyone would.

Beast Boy didn't want to get rejected or humiliated, but he deeply wanted to be with Raven. Maybe he could go in the mirror for just a minute? Besides, Robin said Raven hadn't left her room today yet, was it possible she was already in there? Besides, why would she have the mirror set up like this if she wasn't using it?

"Please don't hate me Rae.." Beast Boy trails off. He steps closer to the mirror, taking a hold of the handle. The world around him began to dissipate into black aura, and he falls back through the loops he and Cyborg had fallen through before.

Beast Boy lands on his stomach, groaning in pain. He sits up, rubbing his head until he recovers. Beast Boy looks around, getting a better idea of where he had landed. 

This time, Beast Boy was not in the same place He and Cyborg had landed, at least it didn't look like the place he remembered. There were no creepy birds or archways and paths.

This time, the area around him was suprisingly gorgeous. The sky was an emerald green, filled with deep crimson clouds.

Instead of the thin crooked path, the ground beneath Beast Boy was luscious, green grass. The grass was soft to the touch and swayed in a light breeze. Between the sky and the earth beneath his feet, Beast Boy could see a beautiful city. The walls were made of white stone and we're very tall and intricate with bridges and pathways between the buildings.

Beast Boy began to walk towards the city, and as he entered, he was welcomed to complete silence. "H-hello?" Beast Boy calls.

No response.

Beast Boy wanders the city, going through tunnels and arches. The city seemed to be abandoned, there was no one in sight.

Beast Boy kicks a pebble, "I knew I shouldn't have come in here, Raven's going to kill me!" Beast Boy puts a hand to his face.

"We all make mistakes." A quiet, croaky voice whispers behind Beast Boy. Beast Boy turns to face her. "I should know.."

Standing in front of him was Timid Raven. Her cloak flowed in the breeze and her head beneath her hood was tilted down shyly.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry.." Timid Raven, "I shouldn't have said anything, ughhh.. I'll just leave now--"

"Wait!" Beast Boy cuts in as Timid Raven begins to scurry away, he grabs a hold of her arm. "Raven please! Are you okay?"

Timid Raven goes silent, slowly glancing up and Beast Boy. "N-no. We're not okay.."





Hi everyone, special author note here! Just wanted to apologize for not sticking to the date I posted in the previous chapter. I have been sick this week and haven't been able to get on!

As always, thanks for reading! I'd love to hear your thoughts on this chapter!! See you next week!

Update: I have been very unwell this week. i apologize for the inconvenience!! See you guys then.

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