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The leaves blew in the wind, creating a beautiful scenery in front of Beast Boy and Raven. The trees swayed peacefully back and forth. They were covered in orange, red, and brown leaves that were scattered across the branches. Many had already fallen, and the remains were beneath the tree. The sun peaks through the dispersed leaves, landing here and there on the path and the sky was a beautiful baby blue. Beast Boy and Raven sit comfortably next to each other. 

Raven's stomach growls and her eyes shoot to Beast Boy, wondering if he had heard it. Beast Boy looks at Raven curiously. They both shyly look at each other, Beast Boy placing his hand on Raven's. "Can I get you something to eat?" 

Raven takes in a deep breath. The truth would come out sooner or later, and Beast Boy would probably hate her when it did. Raven stands up, looking away at the dead grass swaying in the breeze. Raven notices the children were playing tag now near the playground and a group of adults were sitting on a blanket chatting. 

Then she saw them. They lock eyes with Raven, their anger piercing through Raven. Raven stands her ground. The girl she had ran into near the entertainment store was on the sidewalk, storming towards her. But it wasn't just her, her boyfriend stayed close to her side, and two other friends followed behind them. The girl points Raven out to her boyfriend and he begins to glare at Raven too.

"Raven?" Beast Boy calls. He stands up himself, wondering what had caught her beautiful attention. Then he notices the group walking towards them and the energy they were giving. It felt like a blazing fire ready to burn anything in their pathway.

"You!" The boyfriend shouts, pointing at Raven. Raven stares him down. The boy shouts insults at Raven, accusing her of this and that and mistreating his girlfriend, yada yada. He begins to trudge toward her, his purpose to instill fear. Before Raven can say anything, Beast Boy steps in front of Raven, putting a hand on her arm protectively. He glares the boy down with malicious eyes. 

The boyfriend comes forward, his girlfriend crossing her arms all annoyed. She was full of it."You leave my Rae alone, you hear me? Don't make me tell you again." Beast Boy steps forward to meet him.

my Rae. Raven can't hold back her red face. She pulls on her hood, hiding her face in the darkness. 

"Or what dipstick?" 

Beast Boy transforms into a large green bear. His dark eyes locked on the boyfriend, he steps forward towards the group once more and they all begin to cower. "Let's get out of here! What a freak!" The group runs away with heavy footsteps. 

"I better not see you guys ever again!" Beast Boy calls after them as he becomes himself again. He turns his attention back on Raven, who had her left hand on her right forearm, rubbing it sheepishly. She was looking down at the rocks below her feet. 

Beast Boy reaches out, pulling her hood down and lifting her chin. He smiles, subtly looking down at her precious lips. He caresses her cheek, Raven captured in his mesmerizing eyes. She too, down at his lips. Beast Boy begins to lean in, and so does Raven. 

Then Raven's stomach growls once more. Beast Boy leans back, remembering what they were going to do before those idiots came and interrupted their perfect moment. Beast Boy reminds Raven about eating and Raven reluctantly agrees.

Now sitting down at pizza corner, the two of them share a pepperoni pizza. A third of it, however, was a combination pizza in which Beast Boy had asked for. Beast Boy had wanted variety and Raven agreed. They sat and ate together. "Is there a reason why you don't eat?" Beast Boy suddenly says after Raven sets down her glass of water. She looks up at him surprised.  

After a moment, Beast Boy continues. "I've seen it Rae, you hardly are eating anything. I only see you drink your teas. Raven I'm worried about you. Are you okay?" Beast Boy asks, he ignores his pizza and focuses all his attention on Raven.

Raven croaks quietly, "I'm okay, but thanks." She shuts Beast Boy's questioning down. The two of them now sit in silence. After a long quiet moment, Raven begins the conversation again. "I do eat, at least one to two meals a day. I have things in my room I like to eat, it gives me comfort and reminds me of my mother and my home planet Azarath." Beast Boy nods, listening intently. Raven blushes, looking away flustered. 

"So why don't you eat all three meals?" 

Raven takes a deep breath, returning her sad eyes to him handsome face. Raven could tell he was very concerned and it made her heart skip a beat. She regains control of her emotion, remembering the real reason. "I guess the real reason is," Raven pauses. "That it gives me a sense of control." Raven finishes and Beast Boy tilts his head. 

Cyborg takes out Mammoth, reminding Jinx of his presence, he sonic blasts her and she reaches out as she falls, almost touching the wall. Cyborg runs forward, grabbing a hold of her. "Beast Boy, Raven? Come in!" He says as he dodges Jinx's blows. 

Beast Boy answers and Cyborg quickly tells them. "We need your help! City hall, get here as fast as you can!" 

Jinx laughs at Cyborg, "Even the whole world couldn't help you." Cyborg grits his teeth at her. Jinx skips around Cyborg, sending kicks left and right. Cyborg moves out of the way just in time before she can even hope to touch him.  

Cyborg is pushed back and before he knows it, Jinx is next to the wall, inches away from touching it. Jinx smiles darkly. "No!" Cyborg shouts, rushing forwards, but it was too late. Jinx smirks. "Nice Try metal man!" She looks down at her nails, and then presses her hand to the wall. 

As the building topples, the civilians tied up scream for their lives, and Jinx laughs happily. The titans cover their heads, embracing for impact. 

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