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"Work for me or I kill the alien, your most prized possession."

Those words that left Slade's lips sent butterflies to Robin's stomach. The idea of Starfire being his made him blush.

"Tick tock, Robin." Slade taunts.

Robin freezes, his insides then turned inside out as he falls back to reality. How could he have fallen into this trap? Robin felt so foolish, it was obvious it was a trap, his friends even said so, but he had ignored the signs. Robin had been too focused on Starfire and Slade seemed to have known it from the start.

Robin fell on his knees in defeat. Then he saw it, A hint of green and purple came from behind a few buildings. Raven and Beast Boy were here. "Neither."

Slade glares. "Oh come on Robin, you've lost, you have nothing left. Surrender or the alien dies!"

"You're wrong." Robin simply replies, wiping the remains of dirt and gravel off his cheek. Robin looks up at Slade. "I have something you don't, friends."

It happened before Slade could process it. Black aura surrounded the scene, sending commandos left and right. Suddenly a hint of green emerges.

Beast Boy stands in front of Cyborg, holding out his hand. "Beast Boy? Alright!!" Cyborg croaks, deeply wounded. He takes Beast Boy's hand and Beast Boy helps him to stand.

Slade glares angrily. "Count on the Titans to ruin everything."

"You'd better count on it!" Robin comes in with his bostaff before Slade can even move towards the team.

The two begin sending blows back and forth. Slade is now attacking aggressively. Soon Beast Boy comes into view as a gorilla, and sends a blow to Slade's torso from behind. Slade snarls  in pain.

With the help of each other, Robin and Beast Boy begin to send Slade to a descending defeat.

Slade attacks Beast Boy, punching him into the ground, now it was just Robin he had to deal with. Slade angrily stiffens as Robin kicks Slade's stomach. He grabs a hold of Robin's calf and launches him into a concrete building, the building slightly cracks as Robin falls to the floor.

"Robin!!!" Starfire cries out, she had seen the whole scene divulge, and had watched Slade slowly over power Robin. Starfire grew closer and closer to the car crusher.  She looks back at it, the sounds becoming louder and louder.

Robin rubs his head, regaining his vision before he takes another blow to the face.

Beast Boy, Raven, and Cyborg jump into the scene, Raven grabbing a hold of Slade's arm with her black aura and Beast Boy scratches at Slade as a bear. Cyborg limps next to Raven, his robot leg needed serious repair.

Slade huffs in pain, dropping Robin whom he had picked up by his cloak and was going to finish him. Robin lands in the rubble.

Starfire became closer and closer to the crusher. She began to scream for help. Robin opens his eyes instantly, adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Despite the pain Robin felt, he jumped to his feet, sprinting towards the junkyard. More commando robots flood the scene.

"How many does this guy have?!" Beast Boy shouts, taking on the form of a rhinoceros, he stampedes the robots left and right, but there are way too many. Raven shields her friends from the blasters, and Cyborg stands near Raven, unable to fight.

Robin dodges robots back and forth, nothing was going to keep him from reaching Starfire. "Help!!!!" Starfire shouts. She was too weak to even wiggle, Slade had knocked the energy out of her.

"No!!!" Robin screams, Starfire was a foot away from being crushed. Robin throws his birdarangs, jumping, dodging and weaving blasters, and giving it everything he got to save Star. His eyes could only see one thing, one person, Starfire.

His birdarangs reach the car crusher, and two seconds later blow up. Robin flips into the junkyard, grabbing a hold of Starfire, and landing on his two feet right in time.

Starfire's face is wet with tears, as she looks up at Robin. Robin looks at her with concern, he breathes in heavily, setting her down gently.

"You saved me?" Starfire cries. "I thought you had forgotten about me."

Robin's heart felt as though someone had grabbed it and squeezed it. "How could I ever forget you?"

I'm so sorry Starfire, for everything, everything I've put you through." Robin begins to cut the ties that held Star captive. "All those horrible things I said."

"Do you really mean that?" Star asks.

"I do." Robin pulls Starfire into a warm hug. The two embrace for a short moment. As they break free, Robin stares into Starfire's eyes, he gently wipes her tears.

"Why did you say such horrible things?" Starfire asks, looking down now.

Robin takes in a deep breath, the two of them still on the ground. "I just wanted to protect you -- to protect me. It was foolish of me, I didn't want you to get hurt because of me, but it happened anyway because you're a part of my life." Robin answers

"Oh--" Starfire replies clearly disappointed by his response. She felt hurt by his words. "So you don't want me to be a part of your life?" Starfire asks, another tear rolls down her cheek.

Robin scrunches his eyes in frustration. "No--" Robin pauses looking down.

"Robin?" Starfire asks, "What is it?"

Robin looks back up at Star, her beautiful green eyes sparkled. Robin forces out the words, "I can't bear the thought of losing you, I can't bear the thought of you getting hurt. I see now that because of this, it's happened anyway and I almost lost you because of my own actions." Robin grabs a hold of Star's hands. "Star, I want you in my life -- I need you in my life."

"So we can stay friends?" Starfire looks up at him with a sweet, sad, smile.

"No." Robin answers. "I want to be more than friends. You have been by my side saving lives, working hard. I can't be who I am without you, without my friends."

"M-more than friends?" Star asks.

"More than friends." Robin leans in with pursed lips. He gently brushes his lips with hers, gently placing his hands at the small of Star's back. Starfire widens her eyes in shock, before complying, she kisses Robin back. The kiss was filled with warmth and love and Robin felt as though he found his missing piece to becoming a good superhero.


The aftermath of the battle between Slade and the Titans left the area in rubble, smoke, and robots destroyed left and right. Slade surveyed the area around him, waiting for his guest to arrive.

"Terra." Slade says, his hands were clasped behind his back as he turns to face the blond girl.

Terra stands on a rock, floating down to the earth beneath Slade's feet. Terra gently lands, giving her full attention to Slade.

"Well done." Slade continues.

"The Titans don't suspect a thing." Terra replies.

"Good." Slade grins.

"What next?" Terra asks.

"Keep an eye on the Teen Titans, I want you to find each and every one of their weaknesses."

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