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This Chapter takes place after Terra and Slade verse the Titans. Season 2 Finale. Aftershock Part 1 & 2. If you haven't seen them, I highly recommend watching them! But, {SPOILERS} Terra is now stone, and Slade falls into lava.


At home, the Titans were exhausted. They had been fighting for their lives, and now it was finally time to rest and recover.

However, Robin was determined to get answers before he let his team sleep. "What happened out there today at City Hall?" He questions.

They were all sitting on the couch while Robin stood in front of them, his eyes narrowed on all of them. He crossed his arms, waiting for an answer, but no one was sure what to say.

Raven looks down. "It was my fault. I let my emotions get the best of me."

"What happened to Mammoth?" Star jumps in before Robin can say anything.

Beast Boy explains the fight to the team, but Mammoth had somehow gotten through the rubble, and he had a blond girl to thank for it. The team was unaware. "He must have found a way out." Beast Boy finishes.

After their chit chat, Cyborg and Star Fire immediately go to sleep while Robin grabs a few things from their computer desk to do more research. He still didn't believe Slade was gone.

After eating some of his usual tofu supply, Beast Boy begins to leave the kitchen to go to his own room for the night.

Raven was already down the hallway. The hall was dark and Raven liked it that way, but as she floats to her room, she hears his voice again.

Trigon was getting louder and stronger as the prophecy grew closer. It was only a matter of time. He throws more negative words and insults at Raven and Raven plugs her ears, unaware of her surroundings.

"Are you okay?" A voice says from behind her, drowning Trigon's attack. Raven turns around to see Star Fire standing next to her.

Star had a glass of water in her hands and was wearing a beautiful purple bathrobe. Her hair was a total mess and  her eyes looked groggy and red, but nonetheless, she was focusing her attention on Raven.

"Yes." Raven simply replies. "It must just be a headache."

Star and Raven go quiet for a moment. The two of them weren't very close and Star really wanted to change that. "I am here for you friend." Star smiles brightly.

Raven smiles in return. "Thanks." Raven turns to leave and Star waves. "Goodnight." Raven replies.

After Star leaves, Raven could feel her father's presence coming back. She could have gone to Star, but she looked completely exhausted. Who wasn't awake that could help her?

Robin grunts frustrated, he wasn't finding any answers. He stomps to his room and turns the lights out. Raven watches with wide eyes and her eyes flinch at the loud movement.

The tower was now dark and silent. Raven floats passed Beast Boy's room to hurry to her room, but as she does, she sees a thin strip of light cutting through the darkness. Beast Boy's lights were on.

Raven knocks on the door as she hears Trigon's sinister laugh. As the door opens, Raven rushes in, surprising Beast Boy.

Raven tumbles into Beast Boy, and they both fall to the ground, Raven landing on top of him. "Whoa!" Beast Boy yelps at the sudden movement.

"Sorry." Raven chirps, quietly.

Beast Boy sits up, gently pulling Raven up with him. They were both sitting on the ground now. "You're okay, but Raven, what's wrong?"

Raven explains her experiences with Trigon lately, how awfully frightening he had been. He was growing stronger and stronger everyday it came closer to the prophecy. "I hate to admit it, but--" Raven pauses, hesitantly. "Beast Boy, I'm scared."

Beast Boy watches Raven with concern, remembering the last time Raven was scared. Her horrors had come to life. He didn't want that to happen to her again.

Raven hears a noise behind her, and she jumps out of fear right into Beast Boy's arms. He holds her close to him. Raven was truly in distress.

"I've got you." Beast Boy says, he knits his eyebrows and stares at the area the noise had come from.

Raven hugs Beast Boy tightly. "It's so dark inside." Raven sniffles. "I don't think I can sleep."

Raven's vulnerability made Beast Boy's heart melt. The warmth of her body pressing against his had Beast Boy's entire face red.

Beast Boy thinks up a solution. "How about we watch a light hearted movie?" Beast Boy asks. Raven pulls away slightly, so she can look at his face. "Would you like that?" Beast Boy asks sheepishly as her dark, sparkling eyes gaze into his.

"Yes." Raven whispers, then the movie she had purchased for Beast Boy pops into her head. "Here." Raven finishes. Using her powers, Raven creates a dark whole where the Cyber Monkey movie appears and gently lands into Raven's hands.

Beast Boy watches in shock. "Where did you get that?" He feels his heart flutter. How did Raven know he liked Cyber Monkeys? Seeing the movie he had desperately wanted to see for a while now had touched his heart.

Raven shyly explains that she had followed him and saw him at the entertainment store. "I want you to have it." She smiles softly.

Beast Boy examines the movie with excitement. Raven admires him. However, it did beg a question. Raven asks after a moment. "Why didn't you go in and buy it?"

Beast Boy looks up at Raven, her face was filled with concern. He was mesmorised just by her gorgeous beauty. Beast Boy looks down shyly, now remembering her question.

"I couldn't bring myself to. Terra--" He pauses. He couldn't get the rest of the words out. It was too painful. Beast Boy's head drops in defeat.

Raven places a hand on his shoulder. "Hey," She begins, Beast Boy slowly looks up at her. "You probably won't like hearing this, but you shouldn't let her get in the way of the things you love."

Beast Boy smiles up at Raven. He grabs her hand, pulling her to stand. "Let's go watch." Raven mimics his expression.

Now in the Titan's livingroom, Beast Boy sets up the movie and Raven sits quietly on the couch. She felt a little tense and Beast Boy notices pretty quickly and asks Raven if she is okay. Raven expresses her worries to Beast Boy about the prophecy.

Beast Boy turns to Raven, easily reassuring her, but then he surprises her. "If the world is really going to end, there's nothing I'd want to do more than be with you right here, right now."

Touched by his words, Raven leans in and hugs him close. She felt the same way.

The two of them enjoy the movie, and Beast Boy's passion for them has Raven watching him more than the movie. She smiles, happy that he is happy.

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