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The sun rises, and with it, Cyborg does too. Cyborg had a well rested night and was happy and recharged. He slides over to his computer and opens a few files here and there containing information about him and his robotic body.

Cyborg had mostly recovered after everything that had happened. He was happy to update the system and examine himself once more. He had a few more touch-ups and he'd be good as new! Cyborg pulls out a few plugs that were connected to the computer and leaves those files.

With that, Cyborg checks the city news report in case there is more havoc the team should be aware of that the computers didn't pick up to alert the team. The city was calm and safe, for now at least. This relieves Cyborg and he pulls out a disc to play some video games.

He thought about doing some weight training, but decided wisely to wait until he was at his 100% best. Cyborg walks into the titan's shared living space, briefly walking in the kitchen to pick up a few snacks to bring to the couch where he planned to game.

Cyborg had grabbed a bag of chips, one apple, a large carton of juice, and a large pizza. He was set! But as he walked over to set his snacks on the coffee table, Cyborg hears slight movement. He cautiously sets his snacks down. Someone was there.

Cyborg peers over the back of the couch to see who it might be. He second guessed himself in his tech, surely his security system was working right?

When he is able to see who is on the couch, Cyborg stares in disbelief. On the couch, Cyborg first saw Raven curled up under her cloak in a fetal position. Her head draws Cyborg's eyes to who is underneath her.

Raven's head was rested on Beast Boy's chest, and her hand was near her face. Her palm rises and falls as Beast Boy breathes in and out.

The two of them had their legs intertwined, and Beast Boy had his arms loosely holding Raven's waist. They both looked happy and comfortable and Raven had slightly moved to the noises Cyborg had made. She rests her leg on Beast Boy's thigh.

Cyborg blinks in disbelief, surely he was just seeing things right? Maybe his eye needed repairs too.

Then Beast Boy moves slightly, his eyes gently fluttering. He yawns, his eyes open to a slit, he glances around his surroundings, now noticing Raven on him. Beast Boy's face turns red.

"Hm, it's about time." Cyborg scoffs. He had his arms crossed. "Morning Bb, how'd you sleep?" He teases.

Beast Boy is about to answer, but before he can, Raven stirs in her sleep. She shifts in her position, her arms moving up and around Beast Boy's neck. Her head lands under his chin.

After waking up and taking a bit to finally get up, Robin changes and walks down the hallway where he stands in front of Star's room. He smiles, excited to see her.  Robin places a fist on the door and knocks.

Star floats up from her bed, yawning and stretching. "Who's there?"

Before Robin can answer, Star opens the door, rubbing her eyes. "Good morning beautiful." Robin says, admiring her gorgeous green eyes, and bed hair.

Star blushes, but then realizes her messy hair. She starts to shut the door, embarrassed that Robin had seen her like this.

Robin stops her. "Star what's wrong?"

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