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Raven rounds the corner she had last seen Beast Boy while her brain thought up the worst. She wondered what he might be thinking about right now. Obviously something was wrong, and Raven was determined to find out. 

Civilians walk pass Raven, and a blond, tall girl who was hanging out with her friends, bumps into her. Raven furrows her brows. 

"Hey watch it, freak!" The girl glares at Raven and Raven instantly sees Terra rather than the girl in front of her. Raven blinks, surely it wasn't Terra. Then she was able to see clearly again. It wasn't Terra and the girl appeared to be even angrier, she shoves Raven to the side. "What are you looking at?!" 

Raven looks at the petty girl, annoyed. She didn't have time for someone who was in desperate need of a bag to put over such a terrible personality. Raven replies confidently. "You'd be much more like able if you couldn't speak. Cruelty is the last thing this world needs."The girl rolls her eyes, her two friends next to her scoff and laugh. "Go ahead, roll your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there."

 The girl watches Raven in shock as she turns away, following Beast Boy's trail. Passer-bys watch the scene curiously, making the girl embarrassed. She should've seen that coming.The girl continues to glare, talking back at Raven, throwing insults, but Raven ignores her. Then the blond's boyfriend shows, and becomes invested in the conversation himself.

Raven calms her emotions, now noticing a trash can she had tipped over. She picks it up with her powers and sets the garbage back inside. Enough messing around, she was going to find Beast Boy.

Beast Boy sits in a tree as a monkey. He hid in the leaves, watching people play in the park. The world appeared gray to him; and as he watched a couple hopelessly in love sit on a picnic blanket, he remembered Terra all over again. He could feel his personal failure drown him once again. 

When Terra and Beast Boy had first separated, Beast Boy crumbled. He felt hopeless and lost. Everything in the world that brought him happiness disappeared. He hadn't touched a console since and didn't really enjoy watching movies or doing things he loved.

The same fear of failing Terra had started to come back as he grew closer to Raven. He felt as though anyone he came close to would surely be disappointed in him. He was worried any relationship he had now would end similarly now. Sure, he had his friendship with the teen titans, but he wasn't super close to all of them as he was to Terra. 

As he was deep in thought, he saw a dark cloak float into the green, beautiful park. There were people walking their dogs, kids playing on a playground. He saw a group of teens playing football, and a couple having a picnic. But out of everyone he saw, Raven immediately captivated his gaze. 

What was she doing here? Beast Boy stays in the tree, not wanting Raven to see him. He didn't want to disappoint her too. However, it was too late for that. Raven floats over to the tree a bit puzzled, then she looks up and notices a green monkey. 

"Thank goodness I found you." Raven says and a warm smile emerges. Her smile is extremely contagious. She hardly smiled. Beast Boy smiles back at her. "Will you come down?" Raven asks. 

Beast Boy sighs as a monkey. He hops down from the tree, taking the shape of his usual form. "What are you doing here?" He asks, confused. 

"Hello to you too." Raven replies. Beast Boy scratches his head saying hi back sheepishly. Raven proceeds to float around the park, where she finds a bench near the corner, which was the start of a trail through the trees. Beast Boy follows, still confused. "I was looking for you." Raven says, now sitting down. "Are you okay?" He sits down next to her.

Beast Boy sighs, a frown becomes visible and Raven notices. She reaches her hand out, placing it on his shoulder. Her warm touch sends chills down Beast Boy's spine. Just her touch made him feel loved and cared about. He wanted to hug her, but held back. 

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