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Working together, Beast Boy, Raven, and Robin begin overtake Slade's commando robots.

Endless Robots were left and right, charging the Titans. Raven pops up a dark shield to protect her friends from the oncoming fire.

In gorilla form, Beast Boy slams a dozen robots to the ground as Robin uses his staff to defend his team from the forming siege.

Suddenly, a rock comes flying out of the air, directly into a robot's torso. The team freezes, looking around at the ground littered with debris and robot remnants. A bit of smoke began to rise. The last Slade commando robot collapses, the rock thuds, tumbling, until it becomes stagnant, bumping Beast Boy's right foot.

He glances at the rock, his stomach churning. His heart began to ache as his sad eyes remained captured by the rock. Beast Boy did not want to look up, he couldn't look up, he didn't want to see her face.

"Terra, it's good to see you again." Beast Boy hears Robin say. Beast Boy closes his eyes, taking in a deep breath. He felt as though all his organs had been twisted into knots.

"Thought you could use a hand." Terra replies. Beast Boy freezes, his breath fizzling into nothing. "I've been hunting the hive all morning." Terra finishes.

"We have plenty of hands." Raven's sharp voice cuts in. Terra crosses her arms, feeling threatened. Raven's attention on Terra diminishes and she looks behind Terra at the sudden movement.

Suddenly Gizmo stands up and begins to free jinx with the help of Mammoth. The three hive members turn to face the Titans before making a run for it.

Without even moving, Raven uses her powers to stop the hive. Raven's black aura absorbs the concrete underneath the trio, and a black hand shoots out, grabbing a hold of the hive.

Gizmo squeals, Jinx yelps, and Mammoth growls at the sudden tight hold. Gizmo whines, shouting threats to the Titans, while Jinx dangles annoyed. Mammoth glares.

Terra turns around, surprised by the sudden commotion, she glances back at Raven, narrowing her eyes. Raven stares back, unafraid of the challenge.

"We appreciate the help." Robin says, looking at Raven. The two lock eyes and Robin looks at her disappointed, but Raven doesn't care.

"Beast Boy?" Terra suddenly says, catching Beast Boy off guard. he hadn't looked at Terra once yet. All he could see was Raven.

Beast Boy takes a deep breath, slowly, as he turns to face her. "Hey." He gulps.

"You haven't seen me in months and all you can say is 'hey'?! I missed you Beast Boy!" Terra steps forward as if to embrace Beast Boy.

Beast Boy looks at her shocked, but also hurt. That's all he could say, that's all he could think to say. She broke his heart, what did she expect?! Beast Boy keeps
his distance.

Raven narrows her eyes at Terra. She didn't really know what happened between her and Beast Boy, but she knew it wasn't good and she certainly knew Terra hurt Beast Boy.

Beast Boy looks over at Raven, who was floating with her cloak on. All you could see were her mysterious eyes, and her porcelain white skin framing her mouth. He wondered what she was thinking.

Terra walks over, finally going in for that hug. Raven watches horrified. Beast Boy flinches, taking a step back. "Can we talk?"

Nodding, Terra grabs Beast Boy by the hand. They leave Raven and Robin and begin to walk down the street, where they find a bench and sit down.

"Listen Beast Boy, I'm really sorry about what happened, but past is past right? Can we start over?"

Beast Boy's eyes wonder to Raven, who is talking with Robin. He glances at the girl in front of him. He didn't recognize Terra anymore. There was something different about her, but he couldn't quite place his finger on it.

After a long moment, Beast Boy quietly responds. "Why? Why now?"


Terra's eyes lock with his. She could sense the sadness in his. "Because-- I missed you. I missed your team, and I was hoping--" Beast Boy turns away, he didn't want to hear those words. His heart ached. "--to come back and stay at the tower. I've explored the world, but I realized, this city is irreplaceable. You're irreplaceable."


Starfire tumbles to the ground bouncing a few times before she slams into a car, shattering the windshield. Slade's laughter echoes down the street as he emerges from the smoke of chaos. "There's no where to run now. Come with me, or suffer the consequences."

Star wipes off the rubble on her cheek, glancing up at Slade. She tries to climb out of what was left of a car, but it was no use. Star's muscles ached, and all that she had left was little to none.

"I-- will--" Star stammers, breathing heavily. "Do no such thing!" Star's eyes burst into a bright green. She tumbles to a crippling stand.

"Very well." Slade exclaims, but before he can do anything, a sonic bolt slams through the smoke, aiming straight for Slade's torso. Slade grunts and flinches in pain.

"Star! get out of here!" Cyborg shouts as Slade rushes Cyborg. Cyborg begins to run, holding his arm up to communicate with Robin.

Starfire floats into the air, soaring in with a sucker punch. Slade dodges the blow, grabbing a hold of Star's arm and sending her into the ground. Star's vision begins to go black.

"Robin-- Robin-- Come in!" Cyborg tries. "Sl--" Slade grabs a hold of Cyborg, hammering him to the ground.

"No more tracking me down." Slade grumbles angrily, and shatters Cyborgs wrist scanner.

Cyborg's robotic body begins to fail, the damage from battle was severe. Cyborg's eyes begin to blur as he watches Slade walk over to Starfire and swing her over his shoulder. "No-- No!"

Slade stops in his tracks, turning just enough so Cyborg could see his eye. It was the last thing Cyborg saw.

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