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Robin felt his heart grow heavy as he and Cyborg rode in the T car. It was a beautiful, crisp, autumn day and as they drove through the city filled with people walking the streets, Robin could see a couple holding hands smiling at each other. His heart stopped, remembering what he had said to Starfire.

Robin was overwhelmed with regret. He only wanted to protect Starfire, but he'd done the opposite by pushing her away. It was clear to him now that in his life or not, Robin would be hurting Starfire. He felt so awful for how he had treated her.

As they stopped at a red light, Robin glanced at the road in front of him, off to the sidewalk was a couple hugging each other. He could tell the girl was cold.

He looked away, trying to focus on the troubles ahead. Slade had Starfire, and Robin was going to do anything he possibly could to get her back.

"We're here." Cyborg says, drifting his car around a bend to a stop. Robin shifts back to reality, leaving his thoughts. Adrenaline coursing through his veins, he was ready to hit Slade with everything he got.

"Let's give Slade a run for his money." Robin replies, glaring ahead. The two titans step out of the T car as a light breeze picks up. A few autumn leaves crunch in the wind and Cyborg steps on a leaf as the two make their way to Slade's hideout.

Robin could sense the commando robots before they even made an appearance. Pulling out his bostaff, Robin dodges a blow from a robot attacking from behind. He sends an aggresive kick to the robot's torso.

Cyborg looks to Robin as the chaos erupts. Commando robots appear from every angle, sieging the two titans. Cyborg grunts angrily, as he holds up his arm cannon. He begins to blast the commandos, creating a large U shape.

Robin runs forwards, jumping from one robot head to the next. Robin grunts angrily as one after another attack him head on. Robin dodges each blow easily once again and knocks each to the ground aggressively. Nothing was going to stop him from reaching Starfire.

Then it happened, the robots all collapsed, all except one. Standing a few feet apart from Robin and Cyborg was what appeared to be a defective commando robot.

Robin and Cyborg turn their attention to the robot, confused at first, but their confusion diminishes as the robot speaks. "ah, we meet again."

Robin glares. "Slade.."

"In the flesh." Slade replies, pulling off the commando disguise. Underneath was Slade's usual mask, the black and the orange, and only one eye hole.

"Here to finally take matters in your own hands? It's about time you stopped having your robots do all the dirty work." Robin replies, crossing his arms.

Slade only chuckles. "Oh Robin, they were only sent to tire you out before the real fight."

Robin charges Slade angrily. "Robin no!!" Cyborg shouts after Robin's sudden movement, but it was too late.

Robin had fallen straight into Slade's trap. Slade sent a blow to Robin's stomach, knocking him down on his knees. With a jump in the air, Slade came down with a powerful punch, Robin rolled out of the way, barely dodging Slade's fist.

Robin scrunches his eyes, finally gaining his vision to what was going on around him. Robin could see Cyborg's sonic bolts weave through the air, but missing Slade.

Slade attacks Cyborg, knocking the human out of him. Cyborg was now on his knees. Slade chuckles.

"No!!" Robin weakly stands. "Cyborg!!" Robin glares at Slade. "Leave him out of this!!"

Slade runs forward kneeing Robin in the stomach, and flipping him over his shoulder and into the gravel behind him. Robin lands, doing a summersault to take off the impact.

Slade scoffs, "Oh come on Robin, this is the best you can do?" Swarms of commando robots flood the scene once again, overwhelming Cyborg.

Although, it was like the parting of the red sea. The commando robots left Robin untouched and completely ignored his presence. Cyborg grits his teeth, he was in for a long fight.

Robin growls, kneeling on one knee, as he begins to rise. He takes out his bow staff in a power stance. His eyes narrow on Slade, pointing the staff at Slade. "Where is Starfire?!"

"Tsk tsk, oh Robin, you just had to ask." Slade replies, he turns away from Robin, facing the junkyard Robin and Cyborg had passed on their way to Slade's hideout. Robin's eyes slowly follow to the area Slade was giving extra attention.

The junkyard had looked empty, but as Slade turned to face it, commando robots jumped into view, and soon Robin could see Starfire, he felt relieved just by setting his eyes on her.

The relief, however, faded instantly once he captured the scene. Starfire was tied up laying on her back on a conveyor belt, but it wasn't just any conveyor belt.

Robin's eyes follow the belt as it stretches across the junkyard, covered in useless car scraps and damaged metal. At the end of the conveyor belt however, set Robin on edge. Robin grits his teeth, his face taking on two emotions: worry and anger.

The conveyor belt fed into a massive car crusher . Starfire glanced to the end of the conveyor belt, and became petrified.

"Let her go, Slade." Robin replies, holding his bostaff in an offensive position.

"You'd be considered crazy if you really thought I'd just let her go." Slade walks closer to Robin, and the commandos had now pinned Cyborg down. "You have two options,"

"Don't listen to him, Robin!" Cyborg shouts. He begins to crawl towards Starfire.

With a flick of his finger, Slade instantly sends more commando robots in Cyborg's direction. Cyborg yells in surprise as the robots surround him.

"Cyborg!!" Robin shouts, beginning to run towards his friend.

"Eyes on me!" Slade growls, punching Robin in the face, Robin lands on his back. Slade begins to walk to Robin, gravel crunching under his feet.

"Really Robin, I should be receiving more attention than your pathetic team." Slade angrily spat.

Robin stares at Starfire, ignoring Slade He felt horrible for the way he had treated her. He didn't want her to get hurt, but in the end, he was the one who had hurt her.

"Work for me or I kill the alien, your most prized possession."

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