White Horse (Suho)

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This is a royalty!au imagine. Enjoy!

Ellen POV

As far as you were concerned, Prince Joonmyeon was the least conventional prince you had ever met. He was handsome, but clueless as heck, only knew to get up when his princely friends woke him up to drag him to a game of darts (for they were far too kindhearted to go hunting and of course it wasn't truly a question of whether they could handle the sight of blood or not) and most strangely of all, he was definitely not born a natural in the area of horse riding. Most peculiar, in your opinion, because how the hell was he supposed to gallantly ride into scene to save the beautiful, distressed maiden if he couldn't even handle light cantering around an open, non-threatening field? Well, that was his problem anyway, not yours.

"Ellen, where's," Prince Joonmyeon paused to swipe his sleeve over his forehead, "the stable master?"

"Outside the stables, and just around the corner. He's been expecting you."

He swallowed hard.

"Have fun, your highness." You mock-curtseyed and he whined, pulling at your sleeve like a petulant child.

"I'm Suho, as I've told you before, and I don't want to ride today. Can you tell him I'm sick?"

"Ah Prince Joomie," the stable master chuckled as he strode into the stables, "and Miss Ellen."

"Just Ellen thanks. Good morning to you Kai, and goodbye to you, Prince. Off you go," you said cheerfully, withholding a hearty snicker.

"It's Joonmyeon, Kai, but it's Suho to you, Ellen!" He pouted unhappily and trailed behind Kai, occasionally looking back at you sadly.

Your lips twitched into a smile. That cutie. Little did he know that when you cleaned out the stables every day, you preferred to watch him from the windows. He never seemed to notice.

But someone else did.



"Prince Joomie, come on, just a simple, slow trot. God, it's not like I asked you to ride backwards and get the horse to leap through a hoop or something. Plus, someone's watching you, so you'd better be good."

The prince frowned at me and sat there despondently on the horse, looking highly pitiful and uncomfortable about his current position. "I know you're watching me."

"Not you, you fool- fully fantastic fellow."

The crease between his eyebrows only deepened.

"Oh for heaven's sake. You're giving yourself wrinkles before you even get to old age," I muttered.

"Someone else is watching me?" He scanned the empty field around him with a disturbed air. "That's really creepy. I mean really creepy. Really really-"

I should not have told him that. "It's okay. It's not as creepy as you think. I think it's kinda cute."

He looked even more troubled. "You think it's cute that someone is stalking me...?! And you're not helping me either?!"

"No... you just think too much. Ride."


"Your father will hear about this otherwise. It's my duty to report problems back to the king, right?"

The prince reluctantly lifted his reins and kept his legs tightly pressed to the horse's sides. Poor horse. "Oh my goodness it's so fast!"

"Now stop when you get to me," I instructed.

Prince Joomie squeaked helplessly as the horse bucked and picked up speed. "Use your heel you smartie!"

"I am!"

I sighed. Obviously not in the right way. "Try again then!"

After several unsuccessful attempts, the horse cantered to a halt, obviously fed up with it's rider's incapabilities. The prince climbed off hastily but carefully, before complaining about his tense muscles and wedgie.

Ellen came out and I winked, jutting out my chin towards the window where she had been intently watching the prince fail to ride elegantly.

She laughed and winked back, before putting a finger to her lips. I nodded. I won't tell the ol' king about the work not done, I promise.

"Hey your highness?"

Prince Joomie glanced at me. "Yes?"

"You really suck at riding. Like, if you were to ride to another kingdom, you'd fall off like Humpty Dumpty."

He rolled his eyes. "I'll take a carriage."

"That's for princesses, you lazy brat."

"I see."

"How are you ever going to save your princess?" I prodded. "How are you ever going to get a wife?"

"Uhm walk?"

"And how long is it going to take you to walk to another kingdom? Dude, you'd probably run out of energy to court the lady by the time you reach there. Maybe she'd already be courted too."

"You suck Kai."

"I'm asking you very valid questions thank you very much."

"Well, I'll answer them. The lady I wish to court lives in this kingdom. Which reduces a lot of walking and distance. I don't even need a horse; she's quite within walking distance." The prince turned to Ellen.

Ellen POV

"Hey princess. I'm not riding on a white horse to court you, or save you, but you don't mind right?" Suho asked, taking your hand and kissing it.

"Erm...no, not at all? I prefer you didn't fall into the mud and make a spectacle of yourself," you replied loftily.

He tried to cover his burning face. "Ellen!"

That's a wrap! Vote. Comment. Thanks! <3 ~Kieva

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