By The Beach (Tao)

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[ A S H L E Y ]

You always see his silhouette against the streaked sky on a warm afternoon. And as usual, you watch him make his way over the white sands by the waterside.

You admire him from a distance, because he seems to prefer solitude and peace; he shies away from the clamouring attention and adoring gazes. 

And these afternoon walks seem to be most prized and his time alone. So many fans pester him to walk with them but he always politely declines. They're disappointed but not discouraged from continuing to ask him. 

You, too, want to walk with him on the beaches and run in the sunset with him, but you don't want to be one of those people he dislikes, those who annoy him and crave his attention.

"Uhm... Hi."

You jump, caught off guard, and yell before falling out from the shadows you're hiding in. Luckily, it's only sand. 

A deep chuckle reaches your eyes and you look up. Standing there with his hand outstretched is Tao, in all his dark, attractive glory. You take his proffered hand and stand, dusting yourself off. 


"That's okay. So... what've you been doing sitting here?'

You raise your  eyebrows."I've been ah- ahem. I've been admiring the view."

He nods in agreement. "The view really is pretty here."

"But according to the fans, apparently the only thing more beautiful here is you."

You almost cringe saying it.

Tao smirks and then suddenly gives you a cute face. "Do you agree?" he says, posing.

If you had water, you would've spit it out but fortunately, such things were not at hand. You opt for coughing instead.

"I'd be lying if i said no."

"Well that's good... What would you say if I said I thought you were prettier than this panorama?" he asks shyly.

"I'd tell you to stop joking."

"And if I wasn't?"

"I'd still not believe you."

"Wanna bet then? If I convince you, you'll do aegyo?"


Both of you wind up sitting on the boulders, watching the sunset. 

"Hey Ashley?"

'Yes?" He looks ethereal in the golden glow of the afternoon sun, burnished and bright and beautiful.

"You're actually the best view here..."

"Stop joking Tao, it's not funny," you reply, smacking his arm.

"I'm not joking," he replies with a straight face.

"I don't believe you."

He faces you and takes one of your hands in his. "No I'm serious, Ashley. You're absolutely breathtaking and I think I've fallen for you too. You're beautiful; inside and out."

You stare at him. "You're serious... right?"

He nods solemnly. "Will you please..." A half second is stolen in an abashed smile, "be mine?"

[ T A O ]

A half second is stolen as your smile lights up your already glowing features, and Tao has half the mind to call you an angel.

"Yes," you say breathlessly. 

He lifts your hand up to his lips and kisses your knuckles softly. Then a wide, Cheshire-esque smile spreads across his face. "You lost the bet."

You draw your hand away in mock hurt. "So this was all an act," you dramatically say, holding your hand over your heart.

"No... But you still have to do aegyo."

"No way!" You take off, running towards the water and he follows, eager to catch you and make you complete the deal.

And if one was look across the long stretch of beach on that sunny afternoon, they would see two figures running across the pearly white sands, hand in hand, lost in their world of love until night was to break that spell.

Click that sexy vote button- haha I am so embarrassing =) All comments and votes are highly appreciated!

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