Assistant (Baekhyun)

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Hey there! I had so much fun writing this XD


Working for Baekhyun indirectly had been one of the most trying jobs ever. Especially when he was always getting his understudies to send somewhat snarky messages to your department or decided that he wanted to personally leave a voice message.

But working for Baekhyun as his secretary was currently even more trying than you expected. It started like this:


It was an innocuous Monday.

You hit the voice mail button as you fixed yourself a cup of coffee.

'Candice?' Baekhyun's messenger of sorts asked as he appeared in the doorway.

You hit the voice mail button again as Chanyeol walked in.

'Yes? What does Bacon want?' You replied casually, grabbing another mug off a shelf for him. You really didn't mind Chanyeol at all; you were quite good friends, in fact. It was just Byun you minded.

'He wanted you to know that...' His voice trailed off awkwardly.

'That...?' you prompted.

'That he's having you as a secretary, effective as of now.' A light rose colour tinted Chanyeol's cheeks.

'Effective as of now...' you repeated slowly. 'Is he being serious?'

'I'm afraid so,' Chanyeol mused, sipping at his steaming coffee.

'Ugh. Go away. I don't want to see your smug face.'

'Whatever you want, Candy~' he said as he walked out.

You groaned and hit the voice mail button.

'Hey there Candy,' the first message began.

You buried your head in your hands. 'Candice,' you muttered.

'In case Chanyeol's message didn't get through to you, I've thoughtfully sent this voice mail as a notice that you'll be my secretary, effective as of now. See you soon, honey.'

You fumed and picked up your phone, punching in a string of numbers. As soon as the call rang through, you shouted. 'Byun Baekhyun!'

'Eager, are we? Then come quickly; I'm waiting~'

'Only in your wildest dreams, Byun. You're an annoying prick.'

'Haha sorry. Not.' You could practically see the childish expression of his face 3 levels above you.

'I'm not being your secretary! What happened to your current one? Couldn't deal with the absolute nuisance that is you?'

'I'm injured that that is what you think of me, honey.'

'I'm not being your secretary and that is final.'

'It is not. If you work as my secretary, you enjoy privileges rivalled by no other jobs.'

'Such as?'

'My awing presence,' he said with a straight face.

'Doesn't count to me. Any other so called privileges?'

'A pay raise.'

'Hmm?' you murmured, interested.

'Yup. And you don't even have to be stuck doing filing in the office all day, or something.'


'You can go get me a coffee. Or a treat.'

'Dream on.'

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