Just A Friend (Chen)

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It's been a while since I last updated, so sorry everyone! I've been doing exams, and it's so stressful -.- But they're over and done with now, so I can do requests again :) If you want to request, inbox or comment on the first chapter. Try not to comment here, well... you can, but I might not see it because my notification thing often fails to tell me. 

People who already have sent me a request, I'm getting them done :) Don't stress. 'Kay, here's a 'drunk and sad' Chen imagine as requested. Enjoy~

There is light. Blinding light.

There are shapes. Pyschedelic swirls.

And there are elaborate patterns dancing before your half-lidded eyes like a hazy, blurred tapestry.

A paper cup sits cool in your palm, and there is some kind of exotic, blue concoction swirling in it. You don't know what it is, but you take a huge swallow anyways. It slides down your parched throat, intoxicating and sweet.

You sigh.

There are warm bodies. Gyrating.

It's all hips and movement, skin against skin and fabric clutched beneath clumsy fingertips.

There's music as well. Far too loud, throbbing and ubiquitous, but so addictive just like everything is.

You sway your body amidst the sea of other dancing people and lean into the warmth you feel as someone backhugs you.

'What are you doing here, Pa?' the person murmurs by your ear.

You blink lazily, reaching forward to try to grasp the pink and purple showers of light that the strobes play all over the dancefloor. 'Hmm?'

It's a guy. He repeats his question, a little slower, a little louder, a little more emphatically. 'What on earth are you doing here? In the middle of the dancefloor, dancing like you're drunk?'

A giggle escapes your glossed lips. 'Of course I dance like I'm drunk- I am drunk.'


'It's lovely being d-drunk. The world is s-so wonderful, swishing, b-bright-' You hiccup, '-and there's nothing w-wrong with a-anything.'

He spins you around to face him. Another giggle bubbles up. 'Nothing's wrong with anything huh?'

'Oh,' you breathe, 'it's y-you, Chennieee~' You grin lopsidedly. Oh it's your singing dinosaur. Your friend-

'Friend?' Chen's eyes glitter a little in the flashy lights and his lips press together. 'Just a friend?'

'O-of course. What e-else could y-you be?'

Chen stares at you for a moment. 'What?'

'W-what else could y-you be? You're j-just my f-friend. Right?'

He shakes his head in disbelief. 'Who's your boyfriend then?'

'B-boyfriend? Haha I don't know. S-sehun? He's p-pretty hottt,' you slur uncertainly, unaware of Chen's agitated expression. 

'Ha. Yeah. Sure. Bye, Pa.' He walks away.

You shrug, bobbing your head to the beat of whatever song is on. Or maybe the beat of your thudding heart. You can hear your heartbeat. Isn't that funny? Can you? Or is that the drums? Who cares.

Some guy dressed as a waiter offers you a red cup of drink. Maybe he isn't dressed like a waiter. He probably is a waiter. You giggle drunkenly. Where was your last cup? Who knew. You accepted it, blowing the guy a kiss. 'T-thank you~'

He raises his eyebrows, but slips you a piece of paper. You try to read it, but it's too blurry. Oh well.

Close enough where he see what you're doing, Chen sighs heavily and downs a shot. Just a friend. A very funny thing to say to your boyfriend of almost a whole year

You stumble your way to the counters where more drink is being served. You're so thirsty. But exhilarated. 

'How are you going, Chen?'

'Go away.'

'Huh? Y-you don't s-say that to y-your friend.'

'Y-you're not.'

'Hmm? Really? O-okay.' You cough and flop on a seat beside him. 'O-okay.'

'We're o-over, P-Pa.'

You cock your head at him. 'I-I'm not even with you.'

'Sure. Don't c-come to m-me tomorrow.'

The next day

You wake up, sprawled on the floor. It's around 5am. Someone sleeps soundly next to you. You screech. 'WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?'

The guy beside you rouses slightly and opens one eye blearily. 'Uhh... hi, Pa.'

'Oh...' your voice softens, 'Chen... My head hurts.'

Chen's eyes open wide and he freezes, before glaring icily and getting up angrily.

You catch his elbow. 'What's wrong?'



'I'm sorry I fell asleep in your apartment, Pa. Goodbye.'

'What? Aren't we having breakfast? Why are you sorry?'

'Don't you remember?'


'Stop saying 'what'. It's getting on my nerves. You told me last night I was 'just a friend'.'

'I was probably drunk.'


'So can't you forgive me?'

'No. Do you think I can forgive you after you go and just flirt, kiss and touch the first guy you see?' His voice raises.

'I'm sorry.'

'No you're not. You don't tell your boyfriend that he's just friend. Even your drunken mind should've known that. So you obviously don't like me. Plus, the way you looked at that waiter,' Chen sneers, lip curling in disgust, 'further proved that. I don't know why you even bothered for so long, Pa. I'm sorry I wasn't enough.'

And with that, he's gone, without giving you a chance to defend yourself.

There is light. The blinding light of the morning sun embracing you, something someone else should've been doing as you sat hopelessly on the floor. It was all because of him anyway.

There are shapes. Pyschedelic swirlfs that break into jagged streaks, slashing across your vision. 

There are elaborate patterns dancing before your closed eyes like a hazy, blurred tapestry of last night's events.

And by your feet, is a red paper cup with someone's name written on it. The cup that was filled with that something that caused this whole mess. That something that caused you to call your everything 'just a friend'. 

The End. Is that sad? I somewhat don't feel sad. I'm sorry if it's not sad. /thumps head on table/ The Kyungsoo imagine for TheIceCreamPanda is coming next! Thanks everyone! ~Tao-ism

exo imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora