Three (2007.1)

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Catherine woke up with a start, the clock told her it was 8:08 a.m. Two calming azure blue eyes of her daughter Adelaide were slowly examining her. Adelaide was sleeping on her chest but rolled herself off Kate's body at some point in the night.

Adelaide never liked to cry. Every morning, her parents woke up, they'd see her sleeping quietly or looking silently at them. The couple never had to be startled by her cries late at night. Whenever Adelaide was hungry, she would pat her mother's lower neck or chest area until Kate woke up and feeds her. Adelaide was always an understanding infant even before she know what the word "understanding" meant.

William pulled Kate in for a hug, "Morning darlings." Then, they spent some time observing their daughter, the crystallization of their love. Adelaide watched her parents, it was the only way that she can communicate with the world as of now. But, she's trying very hard to learn another.

Adelaide gently patted her father's cheek with her small meaty palms, earning a heartily laugh from her father. Opening her tiny mouth, she made a little bubble. Patting her father again, she made a little, almost indistinguishable sound that was such as a whimper, "bwa, pwa!"

"Oh, my lord! Oh my lord! William, did you hear what she said?" Kate was startled and all of the remains of the numbness from sleeping were gone in an instant, "she called your name!!"

Thus, that morning went by with the two adults exclaiming over every little sound the two-month-old made. Although Adelaide probably meant to say "bubble" instead of "papa", and although she would've definitely forgotten that day, her family would keep on reminding her that this was the day she first talked.

How was the couple doing since Adelaide's birth? Well, Kate was still doing her job at the retail and marketing, although she'd moved to a more at-home and laid-back job to take care of Adelaide. William resumed his royal duties in early February and is very busy.

His work stressed him out a little. Not the part with the military, not the part with his charities, but more of the things that reporters would bombard him with. The questions about Kate and Adelaide. Dear reader, you know, the prince is a huge family man, but we in this universe still do not see him speak of his family (especially his children) publicly.

Questions such as " If you love your girlfriend, why don't you marry her" and "Do you see a girl born out of wedlock potentially be queen?" bothered him very much. He often hated himself for making Kate pregnant. To some degree, he wanted Adelaide to be born later. In a perfect world, who doesn't? In the three short months he'd spent with his daughter, he realized that our world ain't perfect, and Adelaide was born, so the business of the people in this non-perfect world is to continue with life and try to make it better, not to complain.

This is why William and Kate wanted to make sure that their daughter had all the love in the world and nothing short of a childhood that an average girl would have. Going home to his daughter lying in her crib and waving to him was the loveliest thing he could ask for. Despite being a prince, a future king, etc, he felt like being a father was his most important title. If you think about it from an emotional standpoint, obviously the father-daughter relationship is one of the first relationships that the daughter will have in this world, and is therefore very important. The fact that she is currently an heir to the throne, adds importance to Adelaide's education. The father is an extremely important life teacher.

At about 5 o'clock every day, Adelaide will wake up from her afternoon nap and act more restless than other times of the day, she knows her papa is coming home soon. Catherine usually starts to cook dinner, sometimes she chooses to play with Adelaide and let the chefs cook. At five-thirty, give or take, Adelaide will hear the doorbell ring and will hit the tiny wooden railings of the crib, while whimpering, "pwa pwa, pwa pwa, pwa pwa!"

Whenever he has time, William likes to read picture books to her, although she didn't really understand a word. Adelaide didn't pay any attention to the book itself, but rather stared at her papa while he read and made bubbles with her mouth. Nonetheless, William thinks that reading and talking to a baby is very important for their language development and he enjoys it as well.

Kate is quite jealous that Adelaide's first words were  "pwa pwa" and not "mwa mwa", so she worked extra hard to teach Adelaide to say "mama". Of course, Adelaide learned very quickly, and by mid-January, she master the art of making Kate smile.

As we all know, Kate's life now is nothing less than miserable. Being chased by paparazzi,  being called "waity Katie", and being side-eyed by some members of the institution is not something that anyone could endure. Sometimes, thinking about all of these, she would collapse onto the bed and cry her hearts out. When William is not around, no one would be here to comfort her. At this point, Adelaide would yell "Mwa mwa!" and blow Kate a little kiss, "mua", from her crib. Kate, looking at her daughter, she saw her future and would think about something positive. Although Adelaide definitely didn't understand what was going on, she'd actually helped her mama get through the darkest times of her life.


After a lot of careful consideration, compromise, consideration, compromise, and re-consideration, the firm came to an agreement that it is in their best interest to let William marry Catherine, and the wedding will be scheduled on October 18th, 2007.


sorry for the delay, i'm starting a new semester here at school and getting used to my new schedule. there are no pictures for this chapter because the next chapter will be a special one, guess what, william and catherine's alternative engagement interview! im so excited, hopefully, it will be out very soon :)

take care, see you


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