*Sixty (2014.05)

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Hello my lovelies, today is November 21st, 2023. Delly would be 17 years old today! It is also my own birthday <3

So, happy birthday to the two of us!

In addition to that, I have a few little housekeeping items to get out of the way so we can continue our story.

I have finished my other work about the royal family, it is a GIF imagine compilation of the royals as well as a Prince William x OFC book. I have also finished a Tommy Shelby x OFC fanfiction about the Peaky Blinders. Give them a read!




The classroom was a vibrant space adorned with the colorful creations of young minds. Crayon drawings adorned the walls, showcasing the limitless imagination of the students. The air was filled with the hum of youthful chatter, a lively backdrop to the daily adventures of learning.As the golden rays of the afternoon sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room, the atmosphere became one of curiosity and exploration. Small desks were arranged neatly, each holding a trove of notebooks, pencils, and the occasional teddy bear tucked beside a backpack.

Mr. Fox's corner of the room was a haven of knowledge, lined with shelves filled with books that promised to transport young minds to worlds both real and fantastical. Posters of planets and scientific diagrams adorned the walls, serving as gateways to the wonders of the cosmos.

Delly stood before Mr. Fox, her eyes wide with curiosity, in a space that echoed with the energy of discovery. It was a scene where the ordinary became extraordinary, where the everyday objects around them held the potential for extraordinary adventures.
Delly, in her typical inquisitive manner, approached Mr. Fox with a burning question. "Mr. Fox," she began, "what's the smallest thing ever?"
Mr. Fox, a 40-ish man of Irish origins, always had a passion for science. He once ordered two boxes of earthworms for her 5th graders to dissect. Delly's class begged him to do that too, but they were too little. That is not to say that they didn't have any fun together though, far from it, Mr. Fox loved to do hands-on science experiments with his students. Delly's class, for example, did experiments like the Friction balloon or the color-changing bottle.

Mr. Fox, majoring in Science, is always ready to inspire young minds. He crouched down to her eye level and grinned. "Ah, Delly, the smallest things we know of are protons, neutrons, and electrons. They make up atoms, which make up everything around us."

Delly's eyes widened in amazement. "Really? Even me?"

"Even you and me," Mr. Fox confirmed. "And you know what's fascinating? There's a whole world of tiny things beyond that, a place called quantum mechanics."

"What?" Delly asked, struggling a bit with the big words."Quantum mechanics," Mr. Fox repeated, "is like a magical land where things can be in two places at once, and sometimes they behave like waves and sometimes like tiny, tiny particles."

Delly's imagination sparked to life. "How does that work, like magic?"

"Exactly like magic," Mr. Fox affirmed, delighted by her enthusiasm. He went on to explain the mysteries of particles and waves, painting a vivid picture of a world invisible to the naked eye.

"Electrons are so so so incredibly small, and where we find them is not certain. They exist somewhere as a possibility, an unknown one, instead of a known fact."

As Mr. Fox spoke, Delly's eyes glittered with excitement. She soaked in every word, her mind racing with newfound curiosity.


The library of Kensington Palace is huge, but nothing seemed to interest Delly. She doesn't wanna read about "Thucidydes -- Account of the Peloponnesian War" or "Ben Johnson's Complete Works" or "Dominion: The Making of the Western Mind", she wants to find a book about those Quantums, the smallest parts of the universe that Mr. Fox talked about.

"Mr. Chester," Asked Delly to the curator of the private library, who was chasing after the little princess as she was running between the heavy shelves, "do you know any books about science?"

The poor 70-year-old man had to seriously slow down and take some deep breaths, wipe some sweat off of his forehead before he could respond. He was too anxious. If Delly were to bump into one of these shelves by accident while running around and get hurt, he would get in big trouble.

"Yes, I do, there are quite a few actually. Are you sure you want to read them? They are quite heavy too."

"I do, Mr. Chester, I do!" Delly said, and when she saw the hesitant expression on the old man's face, she continued, "If you don't want to give it to me, I'll just ask Granny, she has way more books than you do!"

"No no no, your Royal Highness, " Mr. Chester immediately surrendered, he didn't want the Queen to get involved or think he did not fulfill his duties, "I'll get them for you, they are in the other section, follow me."

Delly skipped down the row of bookshelves, happy that she won.

Mr. Chester picked out 4 books for her, one of them was about animals, the other one was about various plants, the other one was about geography, the last one was about space. None of them were what Delly was searching for.

"They are too big," Delly cried.

"They are the shortest I could find here," Mr. Chester shook his head, he knew this was going to happen, "the other ones are way longer than this."

"No, Sir," Delly continued, "I want to learn about atoms, and electrons, and quantum. And my teacher said they are way way way smaller than trees!"

"I am sorry then, your Royal Highness, I'm afraid that I don't have any books about that."

"Not even one?" Delly was sad.

"Actually, there might be one."

Mr. Chester was thinking about the Encyclopedia.


Delly stared at the 200-word blurb about "Quantum Mechanics" for a long time. She didn't understand it at all. There was a formula of some kind on it, but she didn't understand what the big "Z" shaped thing meant. Even when she asked Mr. Chester, he couldn't give her an answer.

Delly thought she was a pretty smart kid, and that if she wanted to do something, she could. But it turns out, maybe this time, she's wrong.

Delly did not like that feeling, she wanted to understand the formula, she wanted to know what quantum was, more than anything.

As Delly lay on her bed, after William gave her a tug-in and a good-night kiss, she asked him as he was turning off the lights for her, "Papa?"

"Yes, Lissybette?"

"Do you think I'd make a good scientist?"

"I'm sure you can be a good scientist, my Darling, but you would make an even better Queen.

It's too late now, sleep tight and we can talk about it tomorrow."

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