_Thirty-Eight (2010.09/10/11/12)

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Adelaide had a lot to think about after her trip to France, especially about the differences between the lives of the royalty and the people who were not. When Christmas arrived, she went to Sandringham with her grandparents, parents, and the queen and prince Philip.

As they sat down for their holiday feast, Adelaide's grandfather, Prince Charles, began to talk about the importance of tradition and the history of the monarchy.

"Christmas at Sandringham is a tradition that goes back many years," he said. "It's important that we continue to honor our past and our family's history."

Adelaide listened carefully, but couldn't help but think about her friends who were not royalty. She wondered if they had their own traditions and histories that were just as important.

Later that evening, Adelaide was playing with her cousins when she overheard her grandmother, Camilla, talking with her mother and the queen about their upcoming charity work.

"We need to be mindful of the struggles that people are facing," the queen said. "We have a duty to help those who are less fortunate than us."

Adelaide thought about what the queen had said and how it related to what she had learned in France. She realized that even though her family had a lot of power and wealth, they also had a responsibility to help others.

As they sat by the fire, Adelaide's parents noticed she looked deep in thought.

"Is everything okay, Delly?" asked her mother, Kate.

"I was just thinking about what we talked about at dinner," Adelaide said. "And what I learned in France. I want to respect history, but I also want to be fair to everyone."

Her parents smiled at her, proud of how much she was growing and learning.

"You can do both, sweetie," her father, William, said. "We can honor our traditions and history while also using our privilege to help others. It's all about balance."

Adelaide nodded, feeling comforted by her father's words. She realized that she could use her own experiences to help make the world a better place for everyone, even her friends who were not royalty.

As the night went on, Adelaide's family gathered around the Christmas tree and exchanged gifts. Adelaide was thrilled to receive a new dollhouse from her parents, complete with tiny furniture and dolls.

"Thank you, Mummy and Daddy!" Adelaide exclaimed as she hugged them both.

Her grandparents gave her a beautiful set of books, which she couldn't wait to read. Camilla gave her a handmade blanket and told her stories of when she was a little girl.

The family then gathered in the sitting room and sang Christmas carols together. Adelaide's favorite was "Silent Night," and she sang along with her family as they filled the room with their voices.

As the night drew to a close, Adelaide's parents tucked her into bed with her new dollhouse and blanket.

"Goodnight, my princess," her mother said, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Sleep well, Delly," her father added.

Adelaide snuggled into her covers, feeling loved and happy. She thought about her friends, Theodore, Bella, Brandon, and Theo, and how lucky she was to have them in her life. She made a wish that they could all have a happy Christmas and a wonderful new year.

With a contented sigh, Adelaide closed her eyes and fell asleep, dreaming of the magic of Christmas and the joy of spending time with family.

As the year came to a close, Adelaide reflected on all the experiences she had. From learning about the French Revolution in France to spending Christmas with her family at Sandringham, she had gained a newfound appreciation for history, tradition, and the importance of using her privilege to help others.

Through these experiences, Adelaide also grew as a person. She became more aware of the world around her and the struggles that people faced, both in the past and present. She learned to be respectful of history while also being empathetic towards others.

Great year, thank you for being a part of it! (It's also been a year since I started this book! ❤️ thank you for your love and support)

Adelaide's fourth birthday 🎂

Adelaide's fourth birthday 🎂

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Christmas card 2010

Christmas card 2010

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