*Fifty-Six (2014.01)

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Buckingham Palace stood bathed in the soft glow of evening, its grandeur illuminated by the gentle hues of the setting sun. The iconic facade, adorned with majestic columns and adorned with regal insignia, projected an air of timeless glamour. Yet, as Delly walked along its polished corridors, a sense of solitude lingered in the opulent air.

The flickering light from crystal chandeliers cast shadows that danced across the marble floors, creating an eerie ballet of isolation. The distant echoes of footsteps only served to amplify the vastness of the palace, an expansive canvas of wealth and majesty that somehow felt desolate.

Delly moved silently, her small steps echoing through the emptiness. The intricate details of the palace's architecture, usually a source of pride, now whispered tales of a loneliness that transcended time. The walls seemed to hold the weight of centuries, each stone carrying the stories of those who had walked these corridors before, their voices now lost in the expanse of forgotten history.

As she approached the Queen's study, the atmosphere intensified. The double doors, adorned with intricate carvings, creaked open to reveal a room bathed in the soft glow of an antique lamp. The Queen sat at her grand desk, a figure of regal solitude, her back turned to the entrance.

The study, a sanctuary of knowledge and decision-making, was adorned with shelves of leather-bound volumes and cabinets storing secrets of the state. Papers about parliamentary affairs lay scattered on the polished surface, a testament to the weight of the crown. The air was heavy with the scent of old leather and aged parchment, a fragrance that mingled with the Queen's signature perfume.

Delly hesitated at the threshold, feeling a sense of insignificance amidst the grandeur. The Queen, engrossed in her responsibilities, appeared as a solitary figure against the vastness of her duties. Delly observed the scene, the golden glow of the lamp casting a shadow over the Queen's silhouetted form.

The room seemed to hold its breath, as if waiting for the young princess to disrupt the lonely tableau. The air was charged with the weight of duty and the echoing emptiness of the palace. Delly, an unwitting intruder into the Queen's world, stood in the silence, contemplating the complexities of royalty—the glamour that masked the inherent solitude.

In the stillness, Delly found herself torn between the allure of the palace's grandeur and the haunting echo of its loneliness. The Queen, a stoic figure at the center of it all, remained engrossed in her papers, an embodiment of regal solitude in the heart of Buckingham Palace.

In the regal chambers of the palace, the young Delly hesitated before her great-grandmother, Queen Elizabeth. A sense of loneliness weighed on her heart, a burden that felt too heavy for her tender shoulders. "I'm lonely, Granny," she admitted with a hint of vulnerability.

The Queen, a paragon of regal composure, peered into Delly's eyes, her gaze piercing through the layers of unspoken emotions. She sensed that there was more beneath the surface, an intricate tapestry of feelings that Delly was hesitant to unravel. Instead of addressing the loneliness directly, the Queen chose to share a piece of her own story.

"Loneliness is a companion that often walks alongside us on the path of duty," she began, her voice carrying the weight of years of experience. "Even surrounded by the love of family, the crown can be a solitary burden to bear. It's in those quiet moments when the weight of responsibility becomes most palpable."

Delly listened with rapt attention, feeling a connection with her great-grandmother that transcended their roles. The Queen continued, "There are aspects of this life that only the one wearing the crown can truly understand—the weight of decisions, the sacrifices made, the constant scrutiny."

As Delly absorbed these words, the Queen delicately acknowledged the young princess's hidden struggles. "I see that you carry little secrets, my dear. Ones that perhaps you cannot share with your parents. Remember, there are outlets for your thoughts and emotions. You can turn to prayer for guidance, confide in friends who understand, or, in the future, find a husband who not only loves you deeply but comprehends the unique circumstances and feelings that come with your position."

Delly's mind began to weave through the possibilities, contemplating the advice given. Her thoughts drifted to a certain blonde-haired boy, Brian, whom she had harbored a childish crush on for the past three years. She wondered if he could be the understanding presence the Queen spoke of.

The Queen concluded with timeless wisdom, "Love, my dear Delly, is a force that can bridge gaps and heal wounds. When the time comes, choose someone who not only loves you deeply but understands the intricate journey that lies ahead for a future queen."

If she and Brian were a couple, they still have a considerable journey ahead of them.

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