_*Thirty-Seven (2010.08)

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*william is touring westminster abbey with adelaide, meeting people who are working on the wedding planning of him and kate the upcoming april*

As they entered the majestic Westminster Abbey, Delly looked around in awe. She had never seen anything quite like it before, and she felt a sense of reverence and history all around her.

Delly's eyes widened with wonder as she entered Westminster Abbey, feeling small in the vast space. The ceiling soared high above her head, and the walls were lined with intricate carvings and stained glass windows. She could feel the weight of history in the air, and she felt a sense of reverence for the sacred space.

The light that filtered through the stained-glass windows cast a rainbow of colors across the floor, and Delly felt like she was standing in a magical palace. She couldn't believe how beautiful everything was.

As they walked around, Delly's gaze darted from one detail to another, taking in the ornate decorations and the intricate carvings. She saw statues of kings and queens, knights and bishops, and she was fascinated by their regal poses and elaborate robes.

Delly trailed her fingers over the smooth stone walls, feeling the rough texture of the carvings under her fingertips. She imagined the many hands that had touched the same stone over the centuries, and she felt like she was part of something ancient and important.

The Abbey was filled with a sense of solemnity and history that Delly had never experienced before. She felt a sense of awe at the thought of all the important people who had walked these halls before her. She knew that she was standing in a place of great importance, and she felt a sense of pride to be a part of it.

She looked up at her dad, who was smiling down at her.

"Papa, what is this place?" she asked.

"This is Westminster Abbey, my dear. It's a very special place where many important events in our family's history have taken place," he explained.

"Like what?" Delly asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Well, for one, your great-grandmother, the Queen, was crowned here. And your grandfather, Prince Charles, married your grandmother, Diana, here too," he said.

Delly's eyes widened with wonder. She had heard stories about her grandmother, who had died before she was born, and she knew how important she was to her family.

Delly's curiosity was piqued as her dad mentioned her grandfather Prince Charles and grandmother Diana's wedding at Westminster Abbey. She tugged at his hand, urging him to tell her more.

"Daddy, tell me more about Granny and Grandpa's wedding. What was it like?" she asked.

William smiled down at his daughter, amused by her curiosity. "Well, it was a beautiful ceremony, just like any royal wedding. There were lots of guests, beautiful flowers, and music."

Delly's eyes widened with excitement. "Wow! I wish I could have seen it."

"I'm sure you would have loved it, my dear," William replied. "It was a very special day for all of us."

Delly thought about her grandmother, who she had never met but had heard so much about. She knew that her grandmother was very special to her dad and her family.

"What was Granny like?" she asked.

William's expression softened as he thought of his late mother. "She was kind, loving, and very beautiful. She loved children, just like you, and she had a great sense of humor. She was always making us laugh."

Delly smiled, imagining what her grandmother might have been like. She felt a sense of connection to her family's history, knowing that she was a part of something bigger than herself.

"What about Great-Grandma?" she asked, referring to Queen Elizabeth II.

William chuckled. "Well, your great-grandmother has been married for over seventy years! She's a very strong woman, and she and Prince Philip have been through a lot together. They've been great examples to all of us."

Delly looked up at her dad, trying to picture her great-grandmother as a young bride. She felt like she was learning so much about her family's history, and she felt proud to be a part of it.

"And soon, Mummy and I will get married here too," he added with a smile.

"I can't wait for your wedding, Daddy," she said, squeezing his hand.

Delly beamed with excitement. She loved her parents very much and was thrilled to be a part of their special day.

"Papa, when I get married, I want to get married here too," she said.

William chuckled. "Of course, my dear. You can get married wherever you want."

As they walked around the Abbey, William pointed out different parts of the building and shared stories about the history of the place. Delly listened with rapt attention, her little hand clasped tightly in her dad's. She thought about what it would be like to be a princess, and who her future husband might be.

She imagined a handsome prince, with kind eyes and a gentle smile. He would be strong and brave, like the knights in the stories her dad read to her at bedtime. He would be kind to her and would always make her laugh.

Delly's thoughts drifted back to the grandeur of the Abbey, and she imagined what it would be like to have her own wedding there one day. She imagined walking down the aisle in a beautiful gown, with flowers in her hair, towards her prince.

As she continued to dream, Delly thought about what kind of life she wanted. She wanted to be loved and respected, to have a happy family, and to make a positive impact on the world.

She thought about her dad and her mom, and how much they loved each other. She knew that their wedding was going to be a special day, and she couldn't wait to see her parents get married.

"Daddy, what's it like to get married?" she asked, interrupting her thoughts.

William smiled at his daughter, amused by her question. "Well, it's one of the most special days of your life, my dear. It's when two people who love each other very much make a promise to spend the rest of their lives together."

Delly thought about that for a moment, imagining what it would be like to make such a promise to someone she loved. She knew that it would be a big responsibility, but she was excited about the prospect of finding someone to share her life with.

"Will I be lucky enough to find the one?"

William smiled down at his daughter. "I'm sure you'll find someone like that when you're older, my dear. You will, you will."

As they left the Abbey, Delly took one last look at the grand building, feeling a sense of awe and wonder. She knew that she had a lot to look forward to in the future, and she couldn't wait to see what lay ahead for her.

 She knew that she had a lot to look forward to in the future, and she couldn't wait to see what lay ahead for her

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