_*Forty-Six (2012.09/10/11/12)

855 31 12

The grand halls of Sandringham were adorned with festive decorations, sparkling lights, and the scent of freshly baked holiday treats filled the air. Delly, dressed in a charming Christmas outfit, entered the bustling room with wide-eyed wonder. The flickering fireplace cast a warm glow, and the sound of cheerful carols echoed throughout.

As she walked further into the room, Delly was greeted by the delightful sight of a lavishly decorated Christmas tree, adorned with shimmering ornaments and twinkling lights. The room was filled with laughter, as family and friends gathered around, exchanging gifts and stories of holiday cheer.

Delly's eyes lit up when she spotted her grandparents, Queen Gran-Gran and Grandpa Charles, engaged in a lively conversation near the beautifully set dining table. She approached them with a smile, feeling the familiar embrace of their love.

"Gran-Gran, look at the tree! It's so pretty!" Delly exclaimed, tugging at the Queen's sleeve.

"Daddy, is Santa coming tonight? I've been a good girl all year!" she exclaimed with enthusiasm.

William smiled, bending down to her level. "Oh, my sweet Delly, Santa always finds his way to our home on Christmas Eve. He brings joy and surprises to children all around the world. But remember, the true spirit of Christmas lies in the love we share with one another."

Delly nodded, absorbing her father's words. She looked at her mother, who held a beautifully wrapped present in her hands. "Mommy, can I open my gift now? Pretty please?"

Kate laughed softly, her eyes gleaming with affection. "Not just yet, my darling. Let's wait until we're all gathered around the Christmas tree. It's more magical that way."

Delly's excitement grew as she anticipated the moment when all the presents would be unwrapped.


As the evening approached and the family prepared for the grand Christmas dinner, Kate and William found a moment of solitude in a cozy corner of the festive room. Their eyes met, filled with a mixture of excitement and concern. It was time to have an important conversation about their pregnancy and whether or not to share the news with Delly so soon.

Kate's gentle voice broke the silence. "William, darling, I've been thinking. Should we tell Delly tonight about the baby? 

Deep down, she held a hidden wish within her heart. Unconsciously, she found herself yearning for a baby boy, imagining how it might have been if Delly had been a boy instead.

In the midst of their conversation, a wistful expression crossed Kate's face. She gazed into the distance for a brief moment, lost in her thoughts. William noticed the subtle change in her demeanor and reached out to gently touch her hand.

"Kate, my love, is everything alright?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

Kate turned her gaze back to him, her eyes revealing mixed emotions. "I... I can't help but wonder, William. What if Delly had been a boy? Sometimes I catch myself thinking that it would have been easier. She would've fewer_

 things to worry about when she's older. Being a Queen. Well, no man wants to be submissive to his wife forever. She would have an easier time finding a husband."

William squeezed her hand reassuringly, his voice filled with understanding. "I have often thought about her marriage before as long as she finds someone she loves. Being a man wouldn't change that. Actually, being a Queen would give her an upper hand in this climate you know. Had she been a man, there would be more 'patriarchy' criticism."

"That's true."


Kate and William sat down with Delly, their hearts filled with excitement and nervousness as they prepared to share the special news. Delly looked up at her parents, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Rise To The Crown- The Story of the Third-In-Lineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें