_Twenty-Three (2009.3)

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After nearly a year of not seeing Uncle Harry, Delly wanted him to return home as soon as possible. As she thought it was, as it indeed he was, Harry came back in late March to stay for about four months, from HM's birthday in April to Trooping the Color in June.

Whenever her Uncle was back, her parents would be less strict with her. To them, yes, Harry is a part of the closest family members, but still not close enough for them to feel fulling comfortable and show their true colors. This was another reason why Delly was so happy. Uncle Harry meant fun. 


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On an afternoon in late March, William and Harry were in the dining room while Delly was supposed to have her afternoon nap. She woke up from her nap early and tip-toed towards Harry's room, not wanting her Mumma to hear the footsteps and blaming her for not getting enough sleep. 

Delly didn't find her uncle there, so she roamed around. Then, when she approached the dining room, she heard Harry's voice, "umm, did granny say anything about the marriage?"

Then there was papa's voice," Harry, you know, urgh, she... Well, she has a lot on her mind and we-"

"Brother, this is not a small thing, are you blind? all the news mags about royals are talking about you, and Kate, and Delly."

"I know, Harry I know."

"So, you think it isn't a thing too big? Well, I certainly DO see how people around here see Delly so differently from how they see us. And Delly's about the age when she understands why."

"Harry, you are not coming back home just to bombard me with these things, you think I don't know that? Do you think I haven't thought about talking to Granny about it? I have, Harry, every single day. I'm her father, I know how she feels. But I also can see that Granny is doing the best she can for us right now. And demanding it out loud over and over again will make her feel bad."

"Brother, I- Sure, yes, you're right. Yes, you've told yourself and everyone around you this thing over and over again for the past 2 years now. I do not believe that if Granny indeed does have a will to make the marriage happen that it didn't happen for the last two years. You need to hurry her."

Marriage? Married? Getting Married? Gran-Gran not letting Papa get married? what?

Information overload. 

Delly didn't hear the rest of the conversation, she walked away. Delly's brain had no room for sending a signal to her legs about whereabouts to go, it was too occupied with the hoards of messy thoughts that were tangling each other in her brain. 

Her legs carried her to her nursery. She laid down on a matt on the floor. Staring at the tall ceiling, she began to attempt to sort things out.

Keywords: Marriage; Mumma and Papa; Gran-Gran.

Mumma and Papa are not married. And Gran-Gran doesn't want them to be married. 

But, if Mumma and Papa are not married, why do they have me? Why are they living together just like a married person? About "not being married' means not living together, not living happily, and yes she heard that Grandpa and Camilla were not married. Gran-Gran didn't like that. So probably Gran-Gran only likes it when people get married. But Grandpa and Camilla didn't have children together but Mumma and Papa did, does that mean that Gran-Gran doesn't like me? But she likes me...


Inbetween Delly's entangled reasoning lies her inner chaos and grief. She wants to be loved. Just like every other girl out there, but, she doesn't know who loves her.

Delly tried to cut her entangled thoughts to straighten them into believable stories, or rather, stories that she wants to believe are true, but the messy yearn does not break. She tried to clear her mind, but it stays unsettled.

Delly eventually fell asleep again, with no one here for her, no one here to reassure this two-year-old that she is loved, needed, and protected.


Kate was finishing some of her things from work and, checking to see that it was time to wake Delly up, she walked down the hallway towards the nursery. On the way there, she saw Delly peeking through the door and listening to the two men's conversations. Kate heard it as well.

Before she can say anything, Delly walked away. 

Darling, if any of the readers of this book is a mother, you cannot imagine the pain and the guilt when your child needs something you cannot give them. Especially when the request is so basic. 

Kate opened the door to the two brothers' heated discussion, "Shush! She heard you."


Sorry for two weeks of waiting, have a big project due at the beginning of June :(

- Irey 

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