Sixty-Three (2014.08)

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Within the palace, the family rooms exuded an air of sophistication. Velvet drapes framed large, sunlit windows, casting a soft glow on antique furniture and gilded accents. Delly, the focal point of the gathering, reveled in the attention bestowed upon her as the elder sibling. Her attire, a delicate ensemble befitting her royal status, mirrored the elegance of her surroundings.

The excitement in the air was palpable as Delly's uncle, the charismatic Prince Harry, arrived with his girlfriend, Cressida. The couple added a contemporary touch to the timeless tapestry of royal tradition, their presence injecting a dynamic energy into the historic chambers. As they navigated through the corridors, the echoes of their footsteps mingled with the whispers of portraits that lined the walls, witnessing generations of royal gatherings.

The quaint sitting room, adorned with regal furnishings, provided a serene backdrop for the family gathering. Delly cradled a teddy bear in her arms, a thoughtful gift from her uncle Prince Harry. T

Delly's eyes lit up as she held the teddy bear close, reveling in its softness and the sentimental value it carried. The room, with its subdued lighting and tasteful décor, became a haven for this intimate moment between siblings.

Meanwhile, George, her younger brother, an adorable infant with wide, curious eyes, sat on the floor nearby. Intrigued by the plush toy in Delly's possession, he wiggled and reached out with tiny hands, fingers eager to explore the intriguing object before him.

Delly, noticing George's interest, leaned down to his level, her voice gentle. "Look, George, it's my teddy bear," she cooed, emphasizing the possessive pronoun as she tried to convey the importance of this newfound treasure.

George, in his infant innocence, responded with excited gurgles and outstretched arms, his way of expressing the desire to touch and feel. Delly, torn between the joy of her gift and the realization that her little brother sought a connection, hesitated for a moment.

Asserting her newfound role as the older sister, Delly firmly declared, "It's mine!" George, taken aback, started to whimper, tugging at heartstrings with his tears. Despite her initial reluctance, Delly recognized the responsibilities that came with being the elder sibling. With a sigh, she handed over the coveted teddy bear to her younger brother, his tears transforming into a radiant smile.

As the adults looked on, praising Delly for her selflessness, she couldn't help but grumble internally. In that moment, amidst the luxurious surroundings and familial expectations, Delly grappled with the complexities of being the older sister in a world that demanded more than just royal decorum.

"I don't want to be a good girl; I just want my teddy bear." She thought

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