Fifty-Seven (2014.02)

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The quaint neighborhood in Norfolk, where Delly's home nestled, exuded a sense of serenity under the winter sun. The houses, adorned with chimneys releasing occasional puffs of smoke, stood proudly, each with its unique charm. Delly's home, a welcoming haven, had a red-bricked exterior that seemed to capture the essence of timeless warmth.

As the friends approached, the sun played peek-a-boo through the wispy clouds, casting a soft, golden hue on the neighborhood. The trees lining the street swayed gracefully, their branches adorned with delicate winter blossoms that rustled in the breeze. A few dried leaves, remnants of autumn, skittered across the pavement, adding a playful dance to the atmosphere.

The front yard of Delly's home was a canvas of seasonal beauty. A well-tended garden boasted patches of snowdrops and crocuses, their vibrant colors breaking through the winter monotony. The white picket fence that framed the yard stood as a charming sentinel, welcoming the visitors with open arms.

Laughter and lively chatter bubbled around the doorstep as Theo, Brian, Bella, and Brandon eagerly anticipated their visit. The sounds of their footsteps created a cheerful rhythm against the backdrop of the neighborhood's tranquility. The air was filled with the promise of shared moments, where friendships would blossom and memories would be etched into the fabric of their childhood.

The door swung open, revealing Delly's smiling face, and the exchange of greetings heralded the beginning of an afternoon filled with joy. The coziness of the home extended beyond its walls, embracing the friends in a warm embrace. The air buzzed with excitement as they stepped inside, ready to create memories that would linger in the corners of their hearts long after this crisp February day had passed.

As Delly opened the door with a bright smile, the group of seven-year-olds spilled into the house, their energy infectious. "Hey, Delly! Is baby George around?" Brandon asked with his usual enthusiasm.

Delly, with a sense of pride and affection, guided her friends into the nursery, a haven of tranquility within the bustling household. The door, adorned with a whimsical "George's Nest" sign crafted with love, creaked softly as it swung open.

As the friends entered, a gentle hush enveloped the room, and their eyes were immediately drawn to the centerpiece—the crib where little George lay in blissful slumber. The crib, painted in a soothing shade of pastel blue, was adorned with a delicate mobile that swayed with each breath of air, casting playful shadows on the walls. Colorful plush animals dangled from the mobile, performing a silent ballet that captivated the attention of both adults and children alike.

Soft rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the room. The walls were painted in a serene combination of pale blues and creams, creating a timeless backdrop. Delicate paintings of whimsical characters adorned the walls, each stroke a testament to the artistic touch that had gone into creating a space filled with love.

The air in the nursery carried a subtle fragrance of baby powder and warmth, making it feel like a sanctuary cocooned from the outside world. A plush rocking chair sat in the corner, adorned with a soft blanket that whispered of countless moments spent cradling the newborn. A small bookshelf, neatly arranged with children's stories, stood nearby, inviting the promise of bedtime tales and shared laughter.

Bella's exclamation of awe filled the room as she marveled at the tiny bundle lying in the crib. Her eyes widened with wonder as she observed George's minuscule features. "He's so small! Look at those tiny fingers!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine admiration.

Brandon, known for his easygoing nature, couldn't resist reaching out to gently touch George's tiny hand. "This little dude's got some grip already!" he remarked with a grin, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

Even Theo, typically reserved, approached with a soft smile on his face. "He's... he's really cute," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper but carrying a sweetness that spoke volumes.Brian, the group's extrovert, chuckled heartily. "You're not wrong, Theo. Looks like Delly's got her hands full with this little guy!" His laughter resonated in the room, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie.
It was in that shared joy that Delly realized George wasn't a hindrance but a connection, a bridge to strengthen her bonds with friends who genuinely cared about her. As the afternoon unfolded, Delly's acceptance of her little brother grew.

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