He Sees You Cry For the First Time -Preference

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Harry: You were replying to a few fans on Instagram because you could tell how badly they wanted your attention, but a few fans weren't so great...there was even fighting brought along the lines.

'@Y/IG/N Is an ugly prick who doesn't deserve Harry.'

'@Y/IG/N screw you Y/N, you can't have Harry's gravy!!!'

'@Y/IG/N Stupid slut.

You stopped there, the tears started streaming down your face, you were in you and Harry's bedroom, but Harry was out with the boys. You didn't hear Harry even come in, but you had whimpered and gasped over the tears, the hate was eating you up, and you felt like you couldn't take it.

"Y/N?" Harry knocked on the door.

You only sniffled, you were trying to wipe away the tears roughly, but he caught you.

"Y/N! What's wrong, Kitten?" Harry ran to your side, rubbing your back.

You cuddled into his chest and cried all over his shirt, he comforted you until you could tell him what was going on.

"Y/N, you know how much I love you, those fans are just jealous that they can't have the same love that we have, you're mine, don't forget that." Harry kissed your neck and rubbed your back once again.

"Now come on, Kitten, I have a surprise for you!"

Zayn: You and Zayn had gone to the carnival and you two had been having the best day ever until Zayn had to use the bathroom.

You waited for him awkwardly until a group of girls stood in front of you.

"Girls, look who it is, it's Y/N, Zayn's girlfriend." One of them snickered.

"You look like a tramp, why bother?"

"Please, leave me alone." Your voice came out sounding bored, but that was a good thing for you.

"Oh, not pleased?" A girl stepped up, scoffing.

"No, I'm not, I don't need to listen-" You were cut off by falling onto the floor, dirt scraped up your leg, you looked back up at the girls, they giggled, walking away. You didn't even bother getting up, the only thing that was getting the best of you were your new tears rolling down your cheeks.

"Boo? What are you doing?" Zayn came back, helping you off of the ground, you had left your head lowered to not show him the tears.

"Boo?" Zayn tilted your face up, a shocked expression, he hugged you tight.

"What happened?!"

"Girls...hate." Were the only words you could manage to say, you gasped a few times after crying even harder, that has never happened to you, and you were shocked too.

"Y/N? How many times have I told you I loved you?"


"Exactly, now, how many times will I say I love you in the future?"

"I don't know..."

"I will say it day and night, everyday until the day we die, you're beautiful and I want you to know how much you mean to me, don't let the hate bother you." Zayn whispered in your ear, leaving a peck on your lips.

Liam: You and Liam had started doing a twitcam and Liam went to answer his phone in the kitchen.

"Hi everyone!" You waved in the camera, smiling. You've never done one alone...or one at all, so this was definitely new to you.

"You guys are too cute! No wonder the boys love you all." You giggled at some nice comments to you, even some funny ones about the boys.

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