Niall Imagine ~ Personal

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This one goes out for @mrs1dunionj because she had asked for a personal one for Nialler.


Roo's POV

"Alright we are not watching these silly chick flicks, Harry, let's do something fun!" Louis whined, hanging upside down on the couch, I stiffed in a giggle, watching the other boys nod towards Harry and Louis, we were bored and watching The Notebook, it's so long and boring at the moment.

"Well then come up with some ideas!" Harry replied.

"Truth or dare, let's do it." Niall suggest, climbing down from the couch, and onto the floor, we all joined around, I was always so nervous around Niall. Was it weird that I liked him? I mean he doesn't even know or seem to show hints, so I try to hid it.

"Who goes first?" Liam asked, he was actually excited to play which shocked me because normally he hated this game because of the things he used to do with the dares. He noticed me looking at him with a shocked expression, he smiled slyly.

Oh no.

"I will! Louis truth or dare?" Harry nudged Louis.

"Dare, Harold." Louis smirked.

"I dare you to run up the street in your boxers." Harry smugly smiled.

"Oh that's easy, come on, Harry, you gotta step up your game." Louis started stripping his clothes out until he was left in his boxers, I turned away and Niall laughed at my reaction, I gave him a small glare.

"You're so innocent." Niall mouthed before watching Louis run out of the house, we all got up and stood outside to see if he was actually going down the street just in his boxers. A few neighbors gasped and started chuckling.

"See? That was the easiest dare I have ever had...Zayn, truth or dare?" Louis started to re-dress his self.

"Dare." Zayn smirked.

"I dare you to let us do your make-up." Louis said, the gasp slipped out of my mouth, I couldn't hold it in, the laughs started coming out, oh my god, zayn with make-up.

"What's the consequence if I don't do the dare?" Zayn questioned.

"You have to sleep outside with your boxers and messed up hair." Louis replied, putting his arms crossed over his chest, he knew how much Zayn hated his hair messed up.

"Fine, but hurry up." Zayn huffed.

"Roo! We need your make-up!" Louis shook my body, I giggled and ran to grab all of my make-up, this was going to be hilarious.

"You're-you're so beautiful! Hahaha." Liam chuckled, shaking his head. We all got a specific thing to work on. I did his mouth which was classic, I did a mix or red and pink lipstick to stand out, I even added a touch of lip gloss which he felt disgusted with.

"You guys were like poking my eyes out! Argh!" Zayn groaned, we took pictures and we're posting them on twitter, the fans will get a kick out of this.

"Roo! TRUTH OR DARE?" Zayn questioned me. 

"It's going to be truth, you should know that." Niall laughed.

"Excuseee me, dare." I turned back to Zayn, sticking my tongue out at Niall.

"I dare you to stay in your bra and underwear for the rest of the game." Zayn smiled innocently.

Oh no, I was so insecure with my body, what, why would he do this?!

"I know you don't want to sleep outside tonight." Niall chuckled deeply.

I huffed and started stripping out of my clothes, I covered my body, and then looked for my next victim.

"Harry...truth or dare?"

"Fine, I'll pick truth, I don't know what silly dare you'd make me do." Harry teased, I rolled my eyes playfully and thought of my truth question.

"If you could be born again, would you choose to be a girl or stay the way you are?" I asked, smirking as the others laughed.

"Hmm, that's a good question...would it be for the rest of my life?"


"Then I'd wanna stay myself." Harry answered.

"Liam! Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to ask someone in this room if they like anyone in here who they'd date." Harry flickered his eyes at me, but quickly focused back on Liam. My jaw hung low, but I closed it quickly.

"Hm, okay...Roo...who would you date in this room?" Liam smirked. I felt my cheeks rise with heat, I knew I was embarrassed, how'd they know?!

"Come on, we don't have all night." Louis whined.

"Err...erm...uhh, Niall I guess." I said in a small voice but the other four boys smirked, Niall just smiled at me.

"That's right, I'm better!" Niall cheered before hugging me a little from the side.

"Roo, truth or dare, maybe I should skip to truth?" Liam giggled.

"Dare, Liam, D-A-R-E, dare." I said, I'm tired of them thinking I'm so innocent.

"I dare you to kiss Niall with...tongue and it has to be for two minutes." Liam dared, the other guys high-fived and Niall just shrugged at me with a smile. I glared at Liam before crawling towards Niall, how could they do this to me?!

He leaned in as well as I did, our lips brushed before they were crashed together, it felt so good to have his lips on mine, they were so soft and lovely, I could kiss him all day, I've craved his kiss. I felt his tongue glide on my bottom lip and I opened up, knowing this was my dare. His tongue massaged mine and explored my mouth, I felt like I was on cloud 9 with all of this.

"Alright, alright, it's been over two minutes!"

"I'm getting tired."

"I-I should get going to bed." I pulled away before saying that, I hurried up into my room, oh my god did that seriously just happen?! I guess I'll wait until morning to see what happens...

***Few hours later***

I heard someone walk into my room, a light shake took over my body, I opened my eyes to see Niall, what time is it?

8 a.m. in the morning, ughh.

"Hey Roo...well sorry for waking've been on my mind all night..." Niall admitted before sitting on the edge of my bed. I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"Why was I on your mind?" I yawned, realizing how I was still in my bra and underwear.

"Uhh, uhh can you...erm sorry! I'm not fully dressed!" I tried jumping off of my bed and running into the bathroom, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back onto my bed.

"No, you're fine, why are you so insecure?" Niall questioned, staring at my eyes and not my body, which I was thankful of.

"I-I don't know...I just am..." I whispered, putting my arms around my body.

"Stop, I need to talk to you, beautiful." Beautiful, those words hit me like bricks, but in a good way.

"Go ahead..." I said, softly.

"I thought about this kiss...and throughout the night I thought from all the good memories we've had, that kiss meant something, I think I like you and that I'd like to take you out sometime, would you want to go on a date with me?" Niall shyly asked.

"I- are you serious or is this a dare from the boys?" I know how the boys can be, but this isn't funny, I like Niall.

"I'm serious, I like you...I want to get to know you much better with a few dates, if you'd go with me."

"Of course I'll go with you." I smiled, he pressed his forehead to mine and smiled back.

"Good..." He breathed. Oh my god, I loved this boy.


- Kristin xx

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