How He Makes You Laugh/Smile - Preference

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Liam - He'll send you all of the silly pictures of him, consisting of the duck face, the scary face, the sad one, the overly excited, and the mean look. He loves to hear you laugh, he could listen to it all day.

Harry - The way he'll dance while he cooks, he never knows that you're watching him, you always smile and hold in the giggles until you decide to sneak up on him.

Zayn - Zayn will sing random songs in weird voices and make you dance with him, he knows that's a good way to make you laugh, so he does it very often.

Louis - Louis likes to make videos on Vine to you, he'll tag you in them just so you can see how silly he'll be, sometimes he'll get all sassy because he knows that makes you giggle the most.

Niall - Niall will either tickle you until he hears the laugh he's looking for or play guitar of up beat songs to see your smile grow big, that's something he'll do everyday just to make you happy.


- Kristin xx

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