44: Okay With It

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"We're a mess, what can I say?" Davina said, sighing loudly as she plopped onto her bed. I walked over to the other side of the room, moving slowly. We had spent the whole of the car ride back to her explaining to me this phenomenon of her and Liam.

"Have you ever thought about just forgiving him, not that you should. I just- I know how you feel", I asked her as she looked confused, but then she understood it.

"I loved him once, I think when you're offered to love the same person twice, you'll take it. You'll want to believe it's different, but all men want the same thing, they're all the same". She scoffed, now pacing back and forth across the floorboard as she cursed herself.

"That's why I try to take it from him, I can make him feel just as disgusting as I did." She was plotting now, plotting her revenge and his downfall. I was plotting how to apply all of this information to my situation with Dallas.

"Are you sure you want that?" I asked her, wanting to know her place in all of this, wanting to know how she felt. I could see it in her eyes, that night everything was coming back, rushing in. And I knew it felt good, being close to someone who loved you. Dallas's breath against my skin, whispering, the airy smell of the party that had brought me back to England, his repeated words, his endless promises. And his thoughts that were never right. Damn Him.

Who says they believe that they've found their soulmate, when they swear they hate them days later? Not even a day, not even a full fucking day.

"I'm sure, he deserves it. This fucker has been toying with me for as long as I remember, he won't go down with a slap on the back, he'll go down with his eyes bawling, him wishing I would just kill him to end the torture". Her eyes went cynical, and through all the anger and all the pain, I could see that he had hurt her, and it was beyond irreparable. She was done. I could see it in her eyes, pain lined through her irises, her words speaking truths they knew were true to her. She would bring him the pain he deserved, I didn't doubt her of that.

She walked closer to me, her eyes staring into mine in confusion.

"But Dallas, I think you should talk to him". She said bluntly, she knew we had to, somehow, talk any day now. Why did he just shut me out?

I couldn't ask him, the pain Davina felt for Liam, I could only imagine Dallas's harbored pain was like that for him to me. I knew I needed to ask him, what I had done? Why was he so mad? Why didn't he care that I was here?

Pebbles pounded against the window as Davina sighed and walked over, avoiding to even look out the window before she gave the throwers her middle finger.

She opened the window, peeking out as I followed the voices, there they both were, both of them looking winded. Not a car was in sight, but I could see the tint of a small yellow cab leaving the road and turning to exit.

"It is three in the morning, take a fucking hint and leave". Davina yelled out of the window as I looked at Dallas, his head was hurting to even stay up, he looked like he was so close to falling on the ground.

"What's got you all riled up? I can always come in and finish what you wanted from me." Liam flirted as Dallas looked like he was ready to fall down onto the concrete. Liam helped him steady himself as he looked up at his friend's face.

"Fuck you, now leave". She said, shining her middle finger as Liam scoffed. I think he loved the banter between them, he probably couldn't get enough of it.

"Everything has to be about us, huh?" He asked, as she was taken aback by his question.

"Last I checked there is no us". She proudly spoke, her arms crossing over her chest and her chin tilting down, her eyes rolling up as I watched Liam frown.

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